Recover the last trap you set up and put down. Two wild rats inside. Dinner's a luxury this evening. Based on the information gathered in the village, the trip was made before noon tomorrow. Apparently, there's going to be a massive hunt in the woods tonight. If it works, it could reduce the number of tooth boars.
Fang boars have a rough temper and are dangerous. If you get attacked in the woods, it's dangerous for me. Finish the demolition as quickly as usual and leave the scene. There were some signs approaching, but the rubbish from the demolition would stop us. With a little haste, we head to the village dump we found. If we're going to travel, we need to get ready.
I had expected it because of the appearance of merchants and adventurers, but the dump in this village is huge. Discover a few potions, check the colors and put them in the bag. From the torn bag, I can see the folded paper. Take it and check the contents. Sounds like a simple map. The village where I was born is also listed.
This is a huge gain. I barely know the name of a village other than the one where I was born. It was also unclear how long we could walk to the village again. I don't know how accurate this map is, but it will help. Others...... discovered a few clothes.
Look at the size, check the dirt and put it in the bag. Throw away what you don't need from the magic bag you brought. There's more luggage, so I can't help it. After the dump, we walk out in the direction of the village. On a massive hunting day, it's too dangerous to be in the woods. Spend the night in the village today.
The hunters are gathered in the heart of the village. Looks like quite a few of them will be joining us. Find the square where the adventurers sleep, a short distance from the centre of the village. They say the village is liberating the square for an adventurer without money. They also have a simple cooking area in that square, so it's a very helpful place for me. I found a slightly wider space.
There's a tent up there, so it looks like it's definitely here. I imagined it would be busier, but the adventurers seemed to have gone hunting for fang boars. Is it obvious because it's about to make money? When I entered the square, there was a cooking area, so I decided to make dinner quickly. I don't want to use magic in cooking etc because I have a small amount of magic.
The cooking area in this square is convenient because there was a demonic stone that started the fire. Cut the dismantled field rats to a moderate size and bake. Wrap 1 piece baked with banana leaves. The other one is for dinner today. Enjoy a little extravagant dinner while checking out the map I picked up at the dump. Let's just check the name of the place we're in.
My village of birth is Latomi. When I checked the map, it was a long way from town. I did not enter the village, but next door was Ratov, and its next village was Rathne. Probably about this village. The next target village is Lato. Looks closer than ever, according to the map......
Let's not trust too much more than we don't know who dumped the map. I haven't seen a letter in a long time and remembered a fortune teller. I couldn't read all the letters, even if I could read the simple letters. The fortune teller who found out about it taught me how to read, write, and make simple calculations when I was bound to need them. I want to see that gentle face again.