I moved from the dump for about an hour. Take a short break. The magic bag I brought is heavy. Was there just 10 more...... The deteriorated version does not have a time stop function. Other capacity to go in, lighten the weight of the items you put in, don't, etc.
Because it is individually different, I can't use it until I know for sure. Six of the 10 have a larger capacity than what I was using. However, one of them cannot be used because it does not reduce its weight. Even so, you can use five magic bags, this is a lucrative one. I will check the potion as I change the contents. Because there is no time stop function, the potion may discolor.
If that happens, I can't use it. You'll throw it away at the next dump. Change your bags and see the rest of the magic bags. I used 2 left with 3 new bags I picked up. I have used 4 so far. Hold 6 empty bags left in 1 magic bag.
I still have a lot of room for capacity, I'm happy with this. Rare versions of authentic magic bags include: Apparently there's something in the magic bag that can hold a magic bag filled with contents. It's just futile to expect such a thing in a degraded version, but I envy it. Raise two bags to the right and two to the left and brace the bags with strings at the hips as well.
Doesn't look the same, but one still has room for capacity. ... I forgot the garbage. Garbage is also in the bag and ready. I'm also done changing my luggage, so I'm heading to the next village. Nice dump in that village.
After a few hours of walking, I can hear the river in my ear. Consider replenishing the water, too, and rely on the sound of the water to walk off the beast path towards the back of the forest. Watch for signs everywhere and be careful not to get lost. "Wow." It caught my eye that a beautiful river was flowing. It looks like the fish are swimming too, so there won't be a problem.
Refill the bamboo barrel with water and heal by walking and putting your lit feet on the river. Feels good. I feel refreshed, too, so I walk out to get back on the beast path. After a few moments, I felt signs. Hide yourself in the shadow of a tree and check around. A short distance away, one man was seen.
Looks like he's got a slime. I guess I have Tamer Star 2. Slime is a demon that requires two stars and is active in handling organic matter. They call me a garbage disposal guy, and it's a very important job. Some slimes handle inorganic objects, but they seem pretty rare. What are you doing here?