TN: Someone suggested it would help a lot if I hired people and accepted donations so I replied: "Thanks for the suggestions . At the moment I don't believe my translations are professional enough to garner donations . It's not only that, I would also have to make sure I have the time to follow a release schedule . For now, only I am translating, proofreading, editing etc . I would definitely need to hire others if I want to speed up translations . "
If anyone else has thoughts, you're free to comment below or e-mail me [email protected]
Training Diary
Being told by Rose-san to write a diary, I will start writing from today .
I dont know how to handle the letters of this world but its a good thing if this will be private . (TN: Implies hell write using Japanese)
Ill do it alright, Ill write about my daily resentment here .
Training Day 1
For now, I should write about todays events .
Yesterday, after being told by Tong about the hellish training; it was unexpectedly easy .
First of all, I was made to sense magical power . I was able to easily do it .
In the center of my chest, I felt a warm sensation that filled me up . Apparently that was the feeling of magical power . Afterwards Rose-san told me I should aim to take that magical power outside of my body .
After magic practice finished, I learned information regarding this world .
Sitting on a desk, a thick article was handed over to me along with a single instruction; Read it I was told only that . This was a rather absurd thing you just said sensei, you know .
There was no way I could read the letters of this world! And so I yelled my objection to her .
According to Rose, the heroes that are summoned have an automatic translation magic attached to them . (TN: The dream of all readers no?)
While half-convinced, I opened the article to take a look . Certainly, I was able to read if it were only the words . I was very astonished .
Once again, I thought that magic was amazing .
Apparently, there are creatures that are simply called monsters in this world . This feels like an RPG . Thinking that, I was overwhelmed with my own emotions and let out my thoughts in a strange voice . I was then hit by Rose-san .
It was very painful .
As I was silently reading, I became aware of the great variety of races in this world . Among them were elves, beastmen etc . There were races that you would see that often appear in games .
Other than Lyngle Kingdom, I understood there were also many other countries . Majority of them are human countries however .
As I was silently reading the massive book, Rose-san sat on the seat in front of me in silence .
At that time, the pressure was no joke .
But, if this is the kind of training I get every day, I can manage this cant I?
However, Tong was looking at me like a pitiful person and this made me concerned .
Well, tomorrow I will keep at it in my training .
Day 2
I ran a lot .
Day 3
I ran until my whole body had its muscles ached with pain .
I wasnt given breaks . When I collapsed, Rose-san restored my body and made me run .
I was determined not to say thank you . After all, that person is seriously odd . Saying things like Temper your legs, and then you wont die or Feel your magical power as youre running .
Im not this persons slave, I uttered to her and she replied, Do this as if you were going to die, if you die I will heal you
In front of this person, even death becomes a relief .
After that, I told Rose-san My legs are worn-out! Then she silently slapped the side of my thigh .
As I was rolling around in agony, the pain from my legs disappeared .
The muscular pain has been forcefully restored . With this, your legs are fixed . Hurry up and start running, trash
…Shes seriously dangerous .
Day 4
Hello there, I was joined together with the other group members .
I went through muscle training . It was a soldiers training rather than a lifesaving squads training .
While yelling out a strange and inspiring shout, we sprinted with all our power while close to together in speed . Naturally, I was left behind .
To add on to that, Rose-san looked towards me and said, Oi, theres an insect that got left behind here?
Kazuki, save me .
Day 5
Wondering if my minds SOS signal was delivered, Kazuki and Inukami-senpai showed up .
Both of them seemed to be taking the castles training . The contents mainly include sword and magic .
The teachers were the magician Welsey-san, and the corps commander by the name of Sigris-san .
From what Welsey-san said, Sigris-san is a very strict person but also a good person .
There was also the kings daughter, princess Seria . She often tagged along the training with Kazuki . She was gentle and kind just like the king, or according to senpai; a very lovely person .
I cant say anything .
Ahh rehh? I wonder if Kazuki and senpais places are located in different places than me in this world . (TN: Going to use Are for Ahh rehh, its similar to huh)
Why is that both Kazuki and senpai have a proper fantasy?
I was asked what I was doing but I just told them I ran .
They showed a questioning facial expression but Inukami-senpai alone was looking at my leg section and gulped .
She asked if she could touch it for a bit, however she was breathing roughly so I ignored her .
Everyone is doing their best . It wont do if Im not trying my best .
Day 6
I ran today .
As I was running, I noticed a pale green light gathering in my hand .
I was thinking at that time, Is this necessary right now?
Today Rose-san was a cold-blooded savage hag (haha) . (TN: Usatos note)
Not being able to read this is all the more reason to write insults .
Day 7
Im sorry for bad-mouthing you .
Day 8
I take back my words from two days ago, healing magic is extremely necessary .
Day 9
Healing magic is absolutely necessary .
Day 10
I can see my mental state has become rough .
Ive reached the point of being able to discharge my magic out of my body . No matter how much I run, I no longer feel tired .
Getting me haggard day by day… What is the reason I wonder .
Im already tired of being called troublesome by Rose-san .
My legs felt sore but I restored them with my healing magic .
Day 11
Starting from today, a new menu was added on .
It was push-ups .
For the time being, do a thousand of them… so I was told and I matter-of-factly did them while using healing magic .
For some reason, Rose-san showed a satisfied face at my state . Was there something on my face I wonder?
Day 12
From morning till noon I ran . At night I did push-ups .
Other than that, there was nothing else to write about . If I had to… somehow my body feels light .
Day 13
What was this sensation… when I realized it, a weight was attached to me . It was really heavy .
As I was running, there were guards who saw me but then immediately drew away and stopped looking towards me .
Day 14
Tong that bastard, he ate my lunch .
That bastard, I wont forgive you…!
If I think about it, its been two weeks since I started training .
Are, what was my purpose for coming here again?