Okay Lucy, its about time to get back to work. Itd be bad to play hooky any longer than this. Slacking off to the very limit where its acceptable is my creed.
Then do your best so that I dont have to get angry.
Thats not possible. Lucy expects too much from me after all.
Its not too much. After all Cyril can accomplish it.
A carefree smile. I could see her trust and expectation for me.
My chest hurt. Whenever I saw this smile I ended up wanting to do something.
I always ended up trying to make plans and think about itbut eventually I would despair at my helplessness once more.
I didnt want to feel this way anymore so I desperately tried to pretend that I no longer cared, that I had given up. But Lucy wouldnt let me.
Is there any need to give up? Isnt it simply your own fear? Youre simply closing your eyes and making excuses. But the world wont wait on you. Whether youre ready or not youll lose your most important thing if you go on like this.
Shut up! The voice in my head was louder than usual. The magic in my body was swirling in agitation.
It felt like something inside my body was changing. No not changing.reverting. Reverting to its proper form.
Cyril your face is pale as a ghost! Are you really okay?
I said Im fine! Youre so nosy Lucy, lets hurry up and go.
I took Lucys hand and walked quickly.
I couldnt help but want to touch her. When the voice in my head spoke of losing that which I treasured most I immediately thought of Lucys smiling face.
The two of us finally reached the wheat field.
I could see the elves of our generation were already working.
You guys are late.
As punishment you lose one of your side-dishes for lunch. Lucy is fine since its obviously Cyrils fault.
Rick was a mischievous boy and Judy was a naive girl well suited to her freckled face. The two of them were our childhood friends.
Sorry about that. But please leave our food. Its the only enjoyment we have.
I lightly said as I grabbed my tools and entered the field.
It was at that momentthat I heard the sound of horse hooves.
My entire body froze.
The only ones who approached on horse were humans.
It wasnt only us, the others in the fields nearby also froze.
The humans that controlled this village had arrived.
There were two of them driving a large two-horse wagon and three of them on horseback.
All of them were fully armored soldiers.
Listen up you animals. We have come to do a supplementary collection! Since a larger number of the crystals were sold on the black market than usual we are three magic crystals short. We dont have time to choose more carefully so just bring us three suitable ones.
I couldnt help but react to those horribly outrageous words.
It was their job to collect and deliver the wheat and magic crystals.
If I were to understand his words correctly.they had killed more of us than necessary and sold those crystals. They had sold too many and now due to their greed they were short on their quota. With that as their only reason they came to kill more of us to make magic crystals.
What was this irrationality and unfairness? Do we truly have to continue enduring this?
Captain its a pain in the neck so why dont we just take three of the closest ones.
Hmm, I guess youre right. Go on.
One of the two who was driving the cart said.
Then one of the soldiers began walking towards us.
It was obvious. Our field was the closest to them.
One of my long time acquaintances Rick turned his back and started running.
However, a flash of silver flew by and a knife hit him in the back making him fall.
Thats one down.
The one who threw the knife was the one they called Captain. He had made sure not to hit his vitals.
Now the second one is
He said and grabbed Judys arm.
I felt relief that neither Lucy or I had been chosen.
Butthere was one left. I prayed that it wouldnt be.
Its you.
The Captain guy reached his hand towards me.
Thank goodness. Lucy is safe.
Wait! Ill go.
My relief was momentary. Lucy stepped in front of me, blocking the Captain mans hand.
You just need three right? Then Ill go.
She said protecting me behind her.
Hahaha, whats up with this one.having a girl cover for him.
The underling soldiers laughed uproariously.
My face was red from shame and regret. My fists trembled as I clenched them.
Sure why not? Offering yourself for your lover.youre gonna make me cry you know?
The Captain said purposefully taking off his helmet and one of his gauntlets. He pulled Lucy over and massaged her breasts as he licked her cheek.
Lucys gaze didnt waver as she glared at him.
Her shoulders shook. Her legs trembled. But, she desperately stood tall with her small body.
Hurry up and take me. If I go then youll have your quota right?
Lucys trembling formit overlapped with the image of a single High Elf Girl that emerged from deep within my soul.
A scene that I had never personally witnessed was burned into my sight.
The one I yearned for, the girl that shone with unceasing light.
I believe in Cyril, so even if Im not heredo your best.
Compared to what that High Elf girl had faced.these soldiers were nothing. ButLucys courage, her will to protect meto walk to her own doom simply to save me.that courage was no less than that High Elfs.
I wanted to protect Lucys light.I wanted to watch over her and be by her side.thats what I thought.
Thats why,
Get your filthy hands off of her!!!
My fists trembled but even so, I attacked.