Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Another World! ~No Thanks, I Don’t Need a Special Ability~

4 Lesson 4: General Goblin And The Energetic Enhancement

To avoid a fight with Goblin General, we are mapping a herd of about 10 goblins led by Goblin General and moving to make a big detour.

Take down the goblins and goblin swordmen you encounter on the road, while aiming to locate the Goblin Sorcerer that is your purpose.

In the hand is a one-handed sword taken from Swordman. Not a very good one, but it would be better than bare hands. I have a higher skill level than plain < swordsmanship >, but I don't like to fight with sticks, the sword is stronger, and most importantly, when it comes to fantasy, I decide to use a sword.

After checking on the map, it looks like there are three goblin sausalers in this forest, all of whom are acting alone. Mage Goblin has other Goblin Sherman and Goblin Healer, but Sherman also seems to be acting alone. Directly combative, mage goblins may prefer to act alone. Or is Hagler's Botch now able to work hard and use his magic? I don't hang up when I think about it that way.

"Magic basically needs chanting. It's called chanting, but I don't actually have a voice, and maybe the activation wait is the right answer..."

Explain magic while walking.

"Is it the activation latency? Is that something you can tell from the outside?

"In the chanting state, a magic formation of colors emerges that symbolizes the attributes of the spell. After the time determined by the spell, declaring the magic name triggers the magic."

Naturally, it's all for sale by Dr. Help, but I'll explain it confidently. Help is my ability, so it's the same thing I know, right?

"If it's a game or something, some things can reduce chanting time or lose it, but how about in this world?

"Oh, I do. Sounds like you have a skill. There are other assistive skills in the magic system, such as" Continuous Magic. "

"That just seems so unusual, you don't have a goblin, do you?

Just in case, check the status of the individual that is now approaching.

Goblin Sorcerer


Fire Magic LV1 Ice Magic LV1

"Goblin Mage's Wand"

Notes: Goblin mage with cape on.

Goblin Mage's Wand

Classification: Single Staff

Rarity: General

Remarks: Magic only slightly increases

"I checked, but you don't seem to have that. More than that, two things seem to work: fire magic and ice magic."

"Is it a goblin? That's a little surprising."

Sakura also gave a surprised look. I couldn't imagine Goblin using magic, either, but I didn't think I could use more than one type of magic on top of that.

"Well, if you take it off during chanting, it won't even activate magic, so it's fine."

"Speaking of which, in what operation are we going to fight this time? Is there anything I can do, too?

Sakura is showing motivation, but unfortunately there is no turn in this fight.

"I have an operation for once, I'm sorry. Sakura's not here."

"Really? It's a little shame. So, what kind of operation is it?

When I told him honestly, I didn't even say Sakura was impossible.

"Goblin Sorcerer is a single ride, isn't he? Stop chanting by the body before the chant ends one-on-one. Take your skills in the meantime. If I take it away, I'm going to take it down. Sakura is bad, but please deal with other enemies when they come by"

I can see where the enemy is on the map, but if they stop by, it's a hassle to pull them apart. I'm sorry, but I asked you to follow up on that.

"I still don't know if I can kill a demon, so can I buy you some time?

"Oh, you don't have to. I want magic, but it's not what you get until you force it."


Sakura snorted because she replied happily, but there are few demons around the soothsarah. If you use magic, you may come by with sound, but you won't need to worry so much more than you're unwilling to let them use magic.

Approached the nearest Goblin Soussarer. I decided to hide in the bush and start my pre-fight brief.

"Without skills like < chant omission > or < no chant >, magic activation takes almost a certain amount of time. That Goblin Sorcerer can use two magics: Fireball and Iceball. Each chant lasts 5 seconds. So run and approach and prevent chanting by your body so you don't kill them. Repeat within 5 seconds of starting the chant. Take Skill and Ice Magic from that gap."

"I just have to keep an eye on the other enemies in the meantime."

"Yeah, this time it's a magic priority, so if it's a mix-up, the other goblins are gonna take it down without taking their skills or something"

If you tell her that gently, she will stay away from you for once. Because in case they use magic, it might be dangerous to be on the same ray.

Send a signal to Sakura a little further away. Five, four, three, two, one, assault!

Jump out of the grass and run for Goblin Sorcerer. I'm surprised I came out of nowhere, Sorcerer. Restart your mind and start chanting, but that gap was too great for melee warrior opponents.


- Don 't--

My body is set, and Goblin Sorcerer flutters. Naturally the chant is interrupted. Here I start robbing people of my skills too, robbing them of their magic as a top priority. The point of < Fire Magic > is diminishing more and more, you can tell by the status of the Sorcerer. That share flowed towards me, and I got the magic of a memorial in this world.

Do you remember one of the fools, a soothsarah chanting < fire magic > again, but this time you don't hit your body, etc. Because the point of < Fire Magic > is 0 before the chant ends.

Where magic is said to be activated in two seconds, the magic formations that were created by the chanting of Goblin Soussarer disappear.


Goblin Sorcerer doesn't seem to know what happened either. The looting of Ice Magic also begins in that gap. Not sure. Goblin also started chanting. Shit, don't activate magic before you take it off... When I think of it, I approach the goblin, feed it to my body again, and stop chanting. All right, I took it off too.

There is no magic that can't be used as a soothsarah, and all the precious magic stats have been my food.


Stab the stubble with your sword where you took all the stats.

In the end, I could defeat one shot without letting it use magic. Once the magic was activated, it would attract other goblins with its sound, and there might have been a sawdust...

Sakura came back as he was collecting the Demon Stone.

"Good luck. Looks like you didn't have a problem."

"Oh, I'm glad the operation went well. Now we have the magic of the memorial."


< Fire Magic LV1 >

Fireball, Firevalet, Firewall

Ice Magic LV1

Ice Ball, Ice Barrett, Ice Wall

Is that it? There's more magic available than Goblin Sorcerer. Well, we don't have a lot of trouble, so let's put the discussion behind us.

"There are two more Soothsarahs left, so let's take them down and go back to the village. Selling Demon Stones will be gold, so prepare to defeat Generals and Healers"

"Okay. The operation is the same as it is now, okay?


From Goblin General we go in a direction away, so we head under the two remaining ones as we gently check the map.

In the end, we were able to defeat them all in the same operation. Just like the first one, the only two left were to repeat the chant without thinking about it, so there was no trickery at all.

Of course, it took away all the magic, but surprisingly, the variety of magic skills it had mastered was splendid.


Ice magic.


Water magic. Thundermagic.


Wind Magic

If only I had one skill point. From me, I'd say it was a delicious result. According to Dr. Help, the basic attributes are later. By the way, Goblin Sherman has dark magic, so he's bound to take it away later.

"Sakura, will you stay away for a moment"

"Yes, what do you do?

"Try your magic. I've never let you use it, so I'm wondering what it's like."

"Right. It's the first magic I've ever seen in another world. I care."

Make sure you're far enough away from the General, take a short distance from the Sakura, and then start chanting. Fireball activated exactly 5 seconds later.

The fireball flies straight and hits straight at the tree I was aiming for.

- Boom!

The tree fireball hit directly is burning hard. Yeah, you don't shoot fireballs in the woods without any thought. I chant again and hit the aqua ball. The fire was healed, but the trees were badly burned.

I can't tell if this power is appropriate or excessive, so I ask Dr. Help.

Q: Is this normal for magic power?

A: Normal. The power of magic is determined by the amount of magic. Even though it's all a warrior position, if you've taken magic away from a bunch of demons, it's going to be more powerful too. If Goblin shoots, it won't be a force to this point. Goblins are a racial trait, which puts limits on the power of magic and the kind that can be used.

Heh, I mean, goblins are a sordid species. So all I could use was a fireball?

"That's awesome power. Wouldn't it have been a big deal if Goblin had shot..."

"No, this looks like it's because it's me. The stats you took from me gave you more magic. At last, Goblins don't like magic racially, and they only use ball-based magic, but I take it from them, and I use magic from other systems."

"Really? I knew Jen was amazing."

Sakura, who, as always, turns a respectful eye. And it's more than that.

"In the meantime, let's leave this place. Goblins may come by with loud noises"

"Oh, right. Let's go."

Hurry a little and leave the spot. Looking at the map, it looked like a bunch of generals were closing in on us. I left the forest as it was and decided to return to the village. All I had to do was fight Goblin a few times on my way home. I won't say luxury, but it's time to fight demons other than goblins. Nevertheless, it's not enough to look around on the map and chase them around, so let's just say if there's a chance.

I went back to the village and headed to the tool shop. I don't think you need to panic, but I want to fight Goblin General early, so I plan to head back to the woods as soon as I'm done shopping.

The tool store number seemed different than in the morning, and she was an old woman dressed like a witch. It's a grocery store-based tool store. This old woman makes me look like a tool shop dealing with suspicious drugs.

"Excuse me. I'd like to sell the Demon Stone."

"Yes, which demon stone?

I hand the old lady one of Goblin Soussarah's magic stones.

"Hmm, did you defeat even the top species of goblins? You can buy this magic stone for 3,000 gold each."

"Then I'll sell three. Please buy other Goblin Demon Stones."

The old woman seemed mildly surprised when she gave all the demonic stones to the old woman.

"This guy is amazing. You guys seem pretty smart. And all the Goblin Demon Stones, did you guys even go to the Goblin Forest?

It was a goblin forest, after all. You don't have a problem with the official name, do you? And then they told me I was handsome or something, but this is my first decent fight yesterday. And I haven't attacked Sakura, so I don't have any handlers or anything.

"Yeah, we've been fighting in the woods for a while."

"I hear there's a pretty strong demon in that forest called Goblin General. Be careful."

I can't say I'm going to take him down now...

"All right, that's 37,000 gold in all. Wait, I'll pull a big silver coin from the back."

"Can you get more fine coins for easy use"


"Thank you"

You made more money than I thought in the morning alone. Finish shopping at the tool store as you go. I bought a backpack to put things in. In addition to that, I decided to buy a potion just in case. Fantasy promised potion. Drink it. Okay, put it on the wound. It's a good type, and it went 2,000 gold a bottle. A little expensive. In the next fight, you might not need it if you even got it.

As I saw on the map, I barely sold weapons and protective equipment, bought a lighter breastplate and a caged hand just in case. I think it is somewhat.

Returning to the inn for lunch and a rest, he headed back to the Goblin Forest.

"Finally, you fight Goblin General"

"Yeah, I checked my status, and I got a lot of room."

It also gives Sakura stats and skills to enhance. This time it gave a little magic in addition to physical strengthening. I decided to increase my magic a little by Goblin Soussarah's wand and give her skills so she could use them as a weapon.

When I checked the map into the woods, a herd of Goblin Generals was on the move. Around where I used my magic. The group of generals is, as always, a group of about 10 people with no magic system other than healers. Sherman doesn't move in the back of the woods.... Is it a botch after all?

I'll explain the next operation.


Now I plan on getting Sakura to move as well.

"First, magically ambush them first. Reduce the number if possible, taking care not to hit generals or healers. Approaching the healer in confusion, take the Healing Magic and defeat it. Take skills and stats from Generals and defeat them as they kick around the miscellaneous fish. General and non-healer skills and non-general status are a policy to give up. Sakura, after you activate the magic, shoot the magic at an enemy far from me."

"What shall I do if the enemy comes to me"

Sakura was asked to practice bars and magic before coming to the woods. Though still chaotic, he's not weak enough to be killed by a non-general goblin.

"In that case, let's think we could split up. Three or four of them would be enough for Sakura. You can knock it down if you can, but basically you buy time to dodge priority. Sometimes they defend themselves with Wall-based magic."

Q: What effect does Wall-based magic have?

A: Makes the walls of each attribute appear from the specified position. Position can be specified with a radius of 2 m. The range of effects is variable and adjustable with magic power.

"Okay, what would you do if more than five came?

"In that case, I'll reduce the number towards you, so if the number drops, you can take a few away."


After I finish instructing Sakura, I'll check the map position while I prepare around the General. If you look closely, General's sword, it's much better than Swordman's.

8 x Goblins

2 x Goblin Swordman

Goblin Knight

Physical strengthening LV1

"Goblin Knight Spear" "Goblin Knight Shield"

Notes: Goblin knights in armor.

Goblin Knight Spear

Classification: Spear

Rarity: General

Goblin Knight Shield

Classification: Shield

Rarity: General

Goblin Healer


< Recovery Magic LV2 >

"Goblin Mage's Wand"

Notes: Goblin monks in white capes.

Goblin General


Body Enhancement LV3. Inspiration LV2

"General Goblin's Sword"

Notes: Commanding individual of goblins.

General Goblin's Sword

Classification: One-Handed Sword

Rarity: Rare

Notes: Knockback effect

Not so rare, but with special effects. Knockbacks, I guess it's easier for them to be frightened or turn back. In the end, my sword remains Swordman's thing. I want to take the opportunity to switch to the weapon above. Let's not forget to collect it.

Give Sakura a signal and start chanting for two, goblin away from the general and healer and activate the magic.

"" Fireball ""

We both aim to blow straight at a demon that's exactly away. My magic struck me straight in the head and knocked me down, but Sakura just hit me in the arm, so I'm not dead. Is it still impossible to kill him?

Put your sword within the surprise of the goblins and advance toward the healers. General stares at this one.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr, gaoooooooo"

Screaming general. and is activated, gradually goblins regain calm. But it's too late. I've already come 2 meters from the healer and started robbing my skills. The healing magic gradually moves towards me.

General waves the sword. I keep getting closer to the healer and taking away my skills while avoiding it. Generals are moving to protect healers, but it's a lot easier because I just come and go 2m, which is a valid range for skill robbery. You don't have to think about attacking generals and healers, so you wouldn't eat attacks or anything if you were even careful about positioning them.

It's a little inefficient, but it definitely took away < restorative magic >.

The General has waved his sword. Cut off the goblins that were nearby while dodging them in the backstep. I don't care how much you knock down, except for the General and the Healer. I looked at the gap and reduced the number.

There were just two vegan goblins headed for Sakura, and all the other goblins are coming to me, including two swordmen. A total of 10 were concentrated on me, but with a slight reduction, I now have 5 miscellaneous fish goblins.


I cut one nearby, but with the generals and healers nearby, I'm careful not to hit them, so I can't get on with the force. Besides, it's armored Goblin Knight, so his defense was hard, and he couldn't defeat it with one blow. Then the healer recovers, so it's not a good idea.

I had no choice but to attack and sharpen the generals one by one as well. If this makes you move badly, it's your word. Goblin General closed the gap a little, approached the healer, and finally took away all the Recovery Magic.

"Eat it, healer!

The stat gave up, so he unleashed a slash to stab the healer in the stomach. I could afford a little, so it's almost a full blow. It would be overkill for a healer's paper armor.

And there...


General stood in front of the healer. You sheltered him? Even if you got a blow here, you probably decided it was recoverable as long as you had a healer. No more attacks can be stopped. The blow that hit Goblin General set General's HP to 0 on a status I can only see. GENERAL TO FALL. Skills columns remain but I can't take my skills away from a corpse.

"Eh! You're lying. General, he's dead. Uh-huh!

I guess some coincidences overlapped. I guess Generals sheltered the healers thinking they couldn't stand it without knowing I was on the loose. Because I can heal if I don't even die (well, I don't have any healing magic anymore). And it wasn't a good idea to put sharpening damage in advance. Given the difference in status, if HP was full, it was likely well tolerated.

As a result, neither skills nor status could be taken from the General.

> Jen has increased his level

Oh, I'm on a level.

"What's wrong with you? Jen-jun?"

Sakura asks questions while dodging a goblin attack a little further away.

"I killed General before I took it by mistake"

"That's... So what do you do with the rest? Do you want to take it?

Gobs in a state of panic when the generals are hit. Or it seems that when the user falls, it gives the subject bad status.

"Let's do it. This time it will perish."

I'm upset, so I wipe out the rest of the gob without taking anything as a hit of eight, replacing it with experience.

Gobs wiped out in less time. But my mind doesn't clear.

"Oh, what a waste"

"It's okay. I'm sure you'll get another chance."

That's right. I've been thinking a lot about whether the operation was bad or misjudged...

> Biocide deprivation has become LV2.

> New abilities have been unleashed.

< Biocide (GiveandTake) LV2 >

Only the person the owner killed can take his status and skills away from the body as well. It is impossible to give to a corpse. It is also impossible if the demon stone is being removed.

"Just Meet!"

I screamed out of the blue. The timing is too good. I wonder why it's now available at this time. Oh, the level is at 5. Perhaps there is a level in the conditions for the liberation of alien powers.

"What did you do? All of a sudden, shout out."

"The alien powers of Biocide (Give-and-Take) have been leveled up so that they can take away their abilities even from the corpse"

"Congratulations! Now you can combine robbery and leveling. After that, if there is a difference in strength that can be defeated, it will also shorten the time."

"Well, that makes things easier."

Oh well, some of the hardships you've had will be alleviated... Anyway, I can take away the power of General.

Approaching General's body, activate the robbery. Safe, out of ability. He then robs from the surrounding gobs as well. If you take it from a corpse, it looks like you can take all your skills and stats at once. I guess it's because there will be no resistance or anything.

Of course, let's collect the Demon Stone. Oh, the General Demon Stone is going to sell for a pretty high price. If we sell all this demon stone, we're going to be ready to leave this village.

Now there's one more thing to do in this forest...

Check the position of the botch sherman on the map to get closer.

Goblin Sherman


Dark Magic LV1

"Goblin Mage's Wand"

I have a number of interesting looking skills I've never seen before. Approach the sorcerer at once without using any tactics against his body. has gone up to LV7, allowing for unprecedented rapid movement. Wave a new sword without having to wait until you take away your skills, turning it into two pieces.

He took his skills from the body and decided to return to the village.


Jin Tang Jen


Skills: < Sword LV4up > < Bar LV5up > < Shield LV1new > < Water Magic LV1new > < Wind Magic LV1new > < Earth Magic LV1new > < Ice Magic LV1new > < Dark Magic LV1new > < Recovery Magic LV2new > < Possession LV1new > < Control LV2new > < Inspiration LV2new > < Body Enhancement LV7up >


Equipment: General Goblin's Sword

Sakura Kinoshita


Skills: < bar magic LV1new > < water magic LV1new > < wind magic LV1new > < earth magic LV1new > < thunder magic LV1new > < ice magic LV1new > < dark magic LV1new > < recovery magic LV1new > < body strengthening LV5up >

Energetic: <???

Equipment: Goblin Mage's Wand

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