It's said that if a person is placed in a reality that they can't accept, accidents happen .
That's happening to me .
"Sister . "
I let go of the paper and stood still like a rock . My brother called out to me again . I didn't answer and just muttered to myself .
"How'd she die?"
She's the main character .
Agrita is the main character . The main character, the protagonist, the heroine, and the central character of this world!
Everything in this world is designed for her . And in that very world, she dies?
'This is a dream . '
I pinched my cheek . It hurt .
'That's ridiculous . '
I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't think properly . Maybe there was someone else with the same name, but I quickly admitted that, that thought was only to escape reality . The paper listed her as the eldest daughter of the Grace family .
"What are you talking about?"
My brother narrowed his eyes at me in a state of panic .
I looked up at my brother . The very villain who had sent the heroine to the next world was in front of me . For a moment a curse was about to come out of my throat .
'You're crazy . '
This is a real, crazy, insane child .
'Killing the heroine? Are you crazy? Insane? Kill somebody else, you bastard!!'
But I managed to put up with it . I managed to persevere without yelling out the vulgar words I wanted to say to him in front of his face .
My life isn't over yet .
At first glance, my future seemed to be over because of the heroine's death, but in fact, I had one option left . I ran up to my room, ignoring my brother, who was asking question after question .
Ignoring an adult younger brother was an inevitable task .
I locked the door as soon as I entered the room . I made sure no one could come in and went to my desk . I opened the bottom drawer of the desk, and unlocked a secret space inside by pushing a button somewhere . Then I took a small box out of it .
My heart hurts .
'I'm going to have to use it like this . '
A few years ago, I made every effort to live after learning that this world was in a book and that my intended end was miserable .
This was one of them .
I was filled with complex emotions when looking down at the platinum square box .
'Agrita was supposed to have this…'
This world originally had three gods .
The god of destruction, the god of love, and the god of time .
There was a temple dedicated to each of the gods . However, about a dozen years ago, they were all shut down .
'When the full moon shines the brightest on the lowest point of the earth, a new woman will appear to look after everything . '
Opinions were divided over the contents of that phrase .
The question was, what did it mean? Many scholars observed the weather conditions to find out what time the brightest full moon would rise, saying that it was necessary .
But they were wrong .
The full moon in that phrase had nothing to do with the actual moon, but it was like another way of referring to the crown prince, who was The Sun .
The crown prince, who went on a spree to grasp the people's hearts, happened to come across the heroine Agrita, trying to help a poor child in a cold, secluded alley .
It was because of the phrase mentioned earlier that, Agrita, who was a princess at that time, rose up to become the Empress . When Agrita became the empress, she began to be revered by the people as a great woman for her series of good deeds .
Scholars went to the temples to learn the truth . In any case, the temples didn't contain anything that lead to the truth .
So they made a temple bead dedicated to the God of Time .
'It was made for her . '
I swallowed my dry saliva down .
'If I break one, the day will go back . '
The temple spent ten years making thirty beads . It was worth it .
This isn't a science fiction genre, how is it even possible?
It took ten years to make it .
'One day's enough . '
Of the thirty beads, all I had were fifteen . Half of them weren't here . I knew where the beads were and where to store them, from the book . It was not as hard as I imagined .
I think this is the right thing to do .
Of course, if the temple finds out, they'll kill me .
'But as a result, I can save her…'
I'm going to use this to bring back the heroine . There's no other choice . This is the only way you can bring a dead person back to life . Suddenly, my eyelashes trembled .
'It's shocking once I think about it again . '
How, how could you kill the heroine?
'I want to yell at him! Seriously!'
I was filled with anger . I wouldn't have to use this bead if it weren't for my brother . It was like my extra life . The beads were originally intended to be used after fleeing here . Like an insurance plan .
It's impossible to know what will happen in a foreign country, so if my life was in danger, I could use it .
I took out a bead and held it in my hand .
The process of doing so was frustratingly slow .
'I have to wake up . I have to . Agrita needs to be alive . '
I clenched my teeth and raised my hand . Then I stopped .
'Wait . '
The day goes back immediately after breaking the bead .
If I was going to go back anyways… Could I…?
I jumped up .
I only thought of one thing . I opened the door with the bead in my hand and ran down the stairs . My brother was still in the same spot . I could see the servant to his right sweating a lot .
I raised my voice against him after a very long time .
My brother's gaze moved on to me . Jewel-like, yellow-eyes, looked straight at me . I could feel the texture of the bead in the palm of my hand .
I cried out with all my heart, as the day would reset anyways .
"You crazy bastard! Life's easy because it's not that time of the night yet, right? It's pitiful, so stop living that way!"
Then I threw the beads down as hard as I could .
"Miss . "
"Miss Lydia?"
"Oh, huh?"
I've just come back to my senses .
I looked back, answering a second late, and saw Bessie holding a brush in her hands .
"Here's the brush you asked for . The weather looks like it's getting colder . "
I blinked . I foolishly wondered why she was in front of me, and then turned back around .
'Am I back?'
I looked around . There were no escorts, no servants, and there wasn't a staircase .
The place where I'm standing is the balcony of my room .
As soon as I recognized the location, the open air felt cool . I took the brush that Bessie handed to me, and proceeded to comb my hair .
'When is it now?'
I faintly remember this situation .
I went out to the balcony and looked outside, suddenly I felt cold, and asked Bessie to bring me an autumn brush .
It was something that happened yesterday .
"I'm back!"
The day actually went back .
"Miss? Are you all right?"
"Uh huh . "
When I flopped down on a nearby chair, Bessie looked at me in amazement . I reassured her by saying that I was okay . For a moment, I felt my leg muscles relax . Was it because I time traveled? I suddenly lost my strength to stand .
"…Bessie, I'd like to be alone for a while . "
"Oh, yes . Miss, if you need anything, call me anytime . "
As if completely unconcerned, Bessie looked at me again and soon left the room . As soon as I saw the door close, I buried my face with both of my hands .
"Haah . "
I really came back . And what I did before I came back in time was very vividly in my mind .
"How'd I get all that spirt?"
It was the first time in a thousand years that I had cursed at my younger brother .
Ever since I found out that there was no common sense or moral in my grown-up future brother, I cared about every word I said in front of him .
That was impossible .
I was still in a daze about how courageous I was .
'It's cool . '
I thought with my palm on my face . Yes, that's right . I was cool . Honestly, it was nice .
I felt so relieved . I felt like I was being rewarded as soon as I put all of my heart into my voice and swore sincerely .
'I did a good job . '
I felt a little proud . Looking back, I was really good at that . The time went back anyway . What I've done has become unknown to anyone else .
Oh, it feels so good to have no regrets . It's the best .
"Oh yeah, the beads . "
I looked down at my hand casually . The bead I had held on to like a lifeline was nowhere to be seen . I pulled myself up to go to the desk . I opened the secret space, took the box out of it, and counted the number of beads in it .
'… Fourteen . '
One less . Fifteen minus the one . That was the right number .