*3rd POV, past tense*
Surprised by the strange bird that made a flyby, one person and one animal, who had given up on going out, were relaxing on the sofa in the living room. By the way, since it was located on the suburb, the living room size on the house was about 20 tatami, a considerably wide room.
However, the sofa was a black-leather covered type. Although it can be said as an antique, it's more likely to be described with a these words: a lame sofa. However, it can't be helped. Out in this countryside, there is no IKEA.
Houjou family house had a living room, dining room, kitchen, washitsu[1], toilet and bathroom on the first floor, while the second floor had three bedroom with toilet and showers. It was a 4LDK, build 20 years ago, ordinary single house.
The house's yard had a roofed garage that can support two cars and prefab storage, there's also Kotarou's dog house. By the way, since it was damaged in his parents' traffic accident, one of the cars was out of service. The one car remaining was the light car[2] that his mother had usually used.
「Now then, although I don't know why the surrounding turned into a forest, for now let's check the food.」
Yuuji was speaking to himself. As usual, his voice was loud, so it seemed he had regained his composure.
「The refrigerator...... contains little raw food, the others are seasonings and beverages, huh? The freezer........... Oh, there's quite a lot. The cupboard....... Oh, there a lot of cup ramen and wheat flour.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, there are emergency rations on the floor storage...... Okay! The emergency rations are enough for 3 people for 3 months, so if it's just me then it's enough for 9 months! Although it will be boring, I can survive on it.」
Yuuji was speaking to himself. "Are you talking to me?" Kotarou rushed to him. Although Yuuji had regained his composure, he didn't confirm the fundamental point in the first place.
「What's wrong Kotarou? Why you came to here? Is it meal? Are you thirsty? Hm, if this okay for you?」
He turned the faucet and collect the water on a bowl for the soup, and put it on Kotarou's feet. She drunk the water while splashing it around.
「Hm? Oh? The water, comes out. The hot water... does not. Gas stove can be ignited.
Oh yeah, I can use electricity in the first place. So the electricity is alive, right?」
Seems like it, he had confirmed the lifeline. In summary, Yuuji had checked the electricity, gas, and water usability.
The surroundings had changed into a forest, Houjou family house was now located in the middle of it, a strange bird had flown in the air. He now understood the ambiguous reality.
「Electricity, Gas, Water is OK. The last is telecommunication huh? The telephone.... is connected. But I don't remember any numbers that I could call to. Since, I am Hikkikomori.
What about internet? If it's connected, that'll be comforting.」
Yujii went to his room on the second floor. As if it was a antural things to do, Kotarou followed him and climbed the stairs.
「All right! Internet is LIVE! With this, victory is mine!!」
By the way, what he had won was unidentified.[3]
[1]Japanese style-room (usually covered with tatami)
[2]Kei Car. A small than usual car popular in land limited Japan, also popular in European small road (and also in Indonesia, since it more fuel efficient).
Strangely not that popular in USA although it more fuel efficient, maybe because the "BIGGER IS BETTER" jargon had been brainwashed into the majority of adults by the declining native automobile industry, although it drink gasoline like a college boy drink beer on a frat party.
[3]I think it's a pun: Fumeidearu can mean: something unknown and ignorance. So it can also mean what he had won was ignorance. Poor guy.