X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 2

Morning next day, I who hardly slept went out of the house early as usual and went towards the school taking a jog.

She surely never want that shes putting a obscene toy in her ass be known. All the more on Asahina that has high pride.

Shell definitely going to keep her secret without fail.

Im okay. Im on the advantageous side. Furthermore, itd be hard to point the criminal if I failed, if Asahina comes alone to my invitation, it would be my win.

I arrived at the school, then clicked my tongue instinctively.

Theres a student on jersey around the school grounds.

Morning club practice? I havent considered it.

The entrance has no one when I entered. But sending a glance at my back, theres some student on jersey walking on a distance.

The place where Im putting the letter is somewhere that can be seen.

Should I put it in Asahinas desk

I felt uneasy being seen by students so I changed my plan.

Theres no students when I entered the classroom. But, Im so nervous that my breath rise selfishly.

The desk is dangerous. I cant make excuses when someone spots me.

Its okay, Its okay. Theres no one on the corridor too, also the contents of the letter isnt threatening Asahina directly either.

Calm down, dont panic, Im okay.


I psyched myself up and confirmed that theres no one around again, then I faced Asahinas desk. I looked around again and after I confirmed that theres no one again, I took out the envelope from the bag with trembling hands.


I dropped the envelope in tension and picked it up in panic. Then I pushed the envelope straight to Asahinas desk and ran out of the classroom with all of my strength.

Theres no one in the classroom so if they knew I was there, Id definitely be pointed as the culprit. Theres no one so theres no way for them to know but its still scary.

I who ran to the stall in the bathroom tried to suppress my rough breathing thats not related to my running.

I did it. I did a crime1 Then

I have to be serious

I persuaded myself while trembling inside the bathroom.

I went out of the stall and walked passed the students that come and go, then entered my classroom.

Hey hey, Asahina-san got a love letter again!

My heart jumped when I heard that voice.

Wait, dont show it off

Asahina thats sitting down on her face called out to the student that holds the envelope. She had an amazed face but the student that shows off the envelope has no intent of stopping.

The girls are frolic on the envelope they have in hand, Im sure that its the love letter I pushed on Asahinas desk.

I failed. I failed all of a sudden. I want to run. I want to run away from this place immediately.

The senders name isnt written. Whats written on the inside then?

Wait, dont read it without permission!

The girl cuts the envelope while muttering and Asahina who had an amazed face butt in. But she really has no intention of stopping. However, I saw Asahina getting slightly proud.

Shes popular to the degree that she gets love letters. Theres no need to stop because shes being advertised. She probably thinks so.

Taking out the love letter, her worth as a trash raised. Asahinas really the worst.

Lets see. Ive always loved you. I want to make acquaintance first. As expected of the popular Asahina-san!

The schoolgirl read out the contents of the letter loudly. The schoolgirls have gathered because of that.

Its the worst. Its a mistake to make a move. Asahina looks good but her character is the worst. Her friends are the same too. They probably have the same interests.

But for them to read out the contents of the letter in a classroom. The girl who read the letter out loud is also the worst, the girl who didnt stop it is also the same, Asahina who looks so proud is the worst. Dont you think its bad for the guy who sent the letter? Thats why shes being called the worst even though she looks good.

N? Ahahahahahahahah!

The schoolgirl whos reading the letter inclined her neck for a moment but then she laughed wholeheartedly.

Look at this! He said ass love! This guy mistook the kanji! Its the worst mistake! Ass love! hahahahahahaha

The girl screamed loudly then the girls were laughing. The other girls began to laugh when the saw the letter.

Youre the worst one here. That was a mistake on purpose. I want to say it but I cant.

Nee, look at this Asahina-san! He said ass love! The guy who wrote this love letter is definitely an idiot! Hii! Im laughing so much that it hurts!

The girl who laughed cracking put the letter on Asahinas desk.

Really, hes an idiot, its the worst

Looking at the letter on top of the desk, Asahina muttered coldly. But, I didnt let it pass. Asahinas heart is making a big jump.

My x-ray vision that can see through muscle and internal organs by penetrating the skin. Her surface lie wont pass through me.

I thought that I failed but it seems that theres a possibility.

That fellow must be an idiot for making a simple mistake in kanji on just a short sentence. Theres no sincerity at all

Shes putting a good face, Asahina talks with a cold attitude but the pulse of her heart is going intense every second.

Theres no mistake. She noticed the true meaning of Ass Love

Lowering my glance, the vibrator inside Asahinas ass vibrates energetically.

Yesterday was a small rotor but Asahina today has a penis sized vibrator thrust inside her asshole today.

Hey hey, Asahina-san! Its written that you come to the shrine in the woods, would you go?

The girl thats still laughing asked Asahina.

Asahina laughed then gripped the letter on top of the desk, then crushed it with her hand.

Dont joke. Whod go there?

Asahina laughs coldly while saying that. But, her lie cant pass through me.

Theres an abnormal tension in the muscle of the right hand as she crush the letter and her heart beats at an abnormal speed. Furthermore, her whole body is having slight convulsions.

Shes fearing fear and anxiety. I can understand it clearly.

The strategy went better than expected in a certain meaning. Because of the idiot student who read out the letter, Asahinas in panic more than necessary. If shes the only one who saw the letter then she can ignore it. But the students inside the classroom had known the content ass love in the letter.

It makes Asahina find the culprit by all means and she thought that she has to silence him.

Thanks to the foolish friend. And its foolish of Asahina to not stop her foolish friend.

Right~! But I want to know who the sender is though!

I trembled due to the words of the girl but Asahinas also the same.

No way wed come there

Asahina spoke in a quiet voice but he didnt let the girl make a retort.

I dont know who did that but Im sure that itd make an uproar somewhere. Making such an uproar like this, theres no way Id come on the waiting place

Asahina talks in an indifferent voice but the beating of her heart goes even more, I can understand that her whole body is on abnormal tension and convulsions.

Itll be dangerous to have someone following her on the waiting place. Thats what she think.

Ah, that so? Thats a failure then. Why dont we confirm the sender by going to the waiting place without making a noise? Then it would be even more fun

Arent you too ill-natured?

Ahahaha! Doesnt Asahina-san love hoisting dont you!?

Well right

Asahina and the schoolgirl talked. The schoolgirl lost its interest and became quiet then the commotion was settled.

Though Im spouting out cold sweat from my body, my smile reaches my ears.

Though Asahina showed the behavior of making fool of the sender, shell go to protect something. Since the sender wont come to the meeting spot because of the commotion, she has to persuade the commotion loving girls.

its the proof that it would be bad for her to bring followers.

Asahina intends to go alone. Im convinced.

I pretend to go home after school, taking care so I shouldnt attract attention, I went to the woods. I hid myself to the road that leads straight to the shrine.

Asahina cant let her friends come here. Shell be doubted if she said that she has some business and they might follow her. Thats why Im sure that shed come her after she parts from her friends the moment they leave the school.

Then, itll take some time for her to come here. Thats why I decided to wait without rushing.

One hour has passed, when I was starting to think that she wont be coming, I heard rough breathing and footsteps.

Looking at the road through the bush, I saw Asahina thats running in panic. Theres no other shadows to be seen.

Just as planned. It seems that it took some time to scatter her friends. Then thinking that the sender mightve gone already, she was in rush.

Calm down, my opponent is Asahina Yuu. I have to take the aggressive manner even if Im threatened. She wont surrender to a threat easily. But the threat surely worked. The proof is that Asahinas rushing. No matter how aggressive the attitude she shows, Id be on the top of the situation.

I mustnt forget that.

I persuaded myself then went out from the bush and faced the shrine.

Arriving at the shrine, Asahina is already looking around the vicinity anxiously. Then she noticed me.


Her perfectly cool attitude returned, she fold her arms and looked down on me with cold eyes.

Id be overwhelmed if its normal. But sadly, Im not normal.

Though its the special x-ray vision, I cant see Asahinas breasts. I only see the inside.

Her heart is beating so fast that its about to explode, her whole body is making faint convulsions. I can see that shes having a cramp in her knees in particular. Even if I say that its violent convulsion, her shivers cant be seen if you look normally. But, when I looked at her thighs and calf, I can clearly see the twitching of her muscles.

Asahinas attacked by anxiousness and fear. She thinks Im going to threaten her. But she hides those feelings and she looks at me with an arrogant attitude, shes trying to turn me down and silence me.

If I start to threaten her, she will manage to reverse it and threaten me in opposite.

Youre Suzuki of the same class right? Sorry but I dont remember your name nor your face

Folding her arms, she looks down on me with her proud attitude, then Asahina spoke out coldly.

Shes pretending to be stronng. I can completely see that your attitude is a bluff. However.

The vibrator in Asahinas ass is still sticking inside.

She shouldve known that shes being threatened by that letter. If so, the thing thats the material of the threat should be hidden. Yet, Asahina came while having the vibrator piercing her ass.

She should have the change to take out the vibrator. After all, she found the love letter this morning. She has enough time after school, if she just used a stall in the bathroom, she can take out the vibrator. But she didnt.

Asahina doesnt know my x-ray vision. She underestimate that it wont be found out.

No, she knows the situation that shes going to be threatened, youd normally avoid to have the materials to increase the threat.

Then, this girl is.

Its fine if you dont know my name. I dont mind you not knowing me

I slowly approach the Asahina thats making a daunting pose with arms folded as I speak. Then, I released my x-ray vision.

An orange dusk light shines Asahina.

Her long black glossy hairs are tied twintails. Her big eyes looks strong willed. Her height is a bit low but her face is small and her style is slim.

Although shes a bit young, shes definitely a beauty.

If we talk about something regrettable, it would be her small chest I guess. But for Asahina thats a lass with a arrogant attitude, her small chest is cute.

You need something from me? Sorry but I dont have time. Especially with some small fry thats overshadowed like you

She glares at me standing in front of her, then Asahina smiled as she had the composure for it.

Shes using intimidation and guts. Her character is the worst but shes the one whos gathering the schoolgirls in the class. There must be innumerable number of men who confessed to her until now. Thats probably the cause of her absolute confidence.

Or is it that she knows a skill to handle with courting men. She has room to make a smile but in reality, her heartbeat, her convulsions in muscles, and her eyeballs are shaking. Asahinas true state is telling me that. Then.

Theres a large quantity of love nectar generated from her vagina.

While being attacked by anxiousness and fear, Asahina enjoys the current situation. Shes getting excited from the thrill of the helplessness shes thinking when the vibrator piercing her ass be found out.

Does she want to be raped? I dont get it but the only thing Im certain to say is that Asahina is a pervert.

Then, what do you need? I told you I dont have time right?

Asahina tries to act arrogant till the end, I cant calm my arousal that the penis in my pants are rock hard already.

Feeling the absolute dominance feels the best.

No, its not something great but

Saying that, walked and sneaked behind Asahina.

Asahina who has her arm folded doesnt move. But her heartbeat grows even more violent every second and the convulsions in her body has become violent too. The large amount of love nectar generated from her vagina began to leak out too.

This pervert.

Im just curious about the thing inside Asahina-san

I who stand behind Asahina gulped my saliva hard and calmly spoke out while restraining my anxiousness and fear. Then, I made a light tap at Asahinas ass.

Asahina trembled. She left her undaunting posture and looked back at me.

Haa? What are you talking about?

Asahina pretends that she doesnt know. But her body is making a fuss.

Dont worry. I dont have any intention to threat Asahina-san in particular. Its just

I beat Asahinas ass while asaying that and then stroked her ass on top of her skirt, then when I made my finger search for her anus, my finger pushed in and found a hollow.

Asahina trembled. Her constrictor shuts tight and a terrific convulsion appears between her thighs. But she doesnt show any resistance.

I did it, I did it! You can say that its on top of her skirt but she doesnt resist even if her anus is being poked by a finger of a man shes looking down on. No, she cant resist.

For Asahina, the obscene toy that she puts on her anus is a secret that she has to defend with her life. I have taken hold of her secret.

I dont intend to threaten you

Asahina tilts her head and looked at me from the back while still folding her hand, her voice still has composure. But I completely know that Asahina has no composure anymore.

I told you Im not going to threaten you? I just have a Request

I answered Asahina while picking and grinding her anus with my finger on top of her skirt.

When I pick her nus, her constrictor, and thighs twitch interestingly. Then the liquid overflows from her vagina endlessly.

Every time I pick her anus with my finger, fear and anxiety flows but Im sure that Asahina feels it.

What would you do if I decline?

Asahinas calm appearance isnt destroyed as she asked.

Nothing. I wont tell anyone if you refused. Didnt I tell you? I dont intend to threaten you. I just have a Request

Pushing my finger on her anus continuously, I jokingly answered Asahina.

The anus is filled with the vibrator but I can push my finger deeper even on top of her skirt, Asahinas constrictor shuts tightly. Her knees trembled along with the muscles on her thighs.

Her love nectar doesnt stop overflowing that it began to soak her panties and flows through her thighs.

I dont believe you

Her knees began to tremble as her love nectar flows in it but still, Asahina tries to maintain her calm attitude, then she muttered unpleasantly while sending me a sidelong glance.

Well that should be. Theres no reason for her to believe me. But is that true? Putting aside the reason why you dont believe me, dont you want the vibrating inside your anus to be rammed dont you?

But if I say that, Asahinas character might seriously resist me.

What should I do if you cant trust me?

I dig her anus across the skirt using my finger, then spoke while separating my right hand from the skirt then made it go inside the skirt. I went further inside the underwear and groped her anus directly with my finger.

Asahina blushed when that happened, then she stared at me with watery eyes. But the shutting just goes tighter, her convulsions grows even more violent and her breathing is getting rougher. The panties thats wet from the love nectar was pulled away and it made a lewd string dripping to the ground.

Why dont you do as you like?

Asahina tries to maintain her calm attitude desperately but I have received her mutter in disgust.

Oh? Do as I like? Seriously? Then Ill do as I want then.

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