The concept of reincarnation was one that sparked curiosity in some and skepticism in the minds of many. While some strongly embraced the idea, others dismissed it as mere fantasy.
Atticus, a skeptic, believed that death marked the end of existence.
But as if to laugh in his face, life hit with the biggest irony. In a moment that defied logic and reason, Atticus was faced with a baffling situation.
"Congratulations, it's a baby boy. He looks just like Avalon!"
Atticus watched as an older woman wrapped him gently in a soft blanket and passed him to a woman sitting weakly in a hospital bed.
The mother was a radiant beauty that drew everyone to her. Her hair was golden, circling her high cheekbones and plump lips. She had eyes of an cerulean that shone with depth, whispers of tales untold.
"Why won't he cry, Xiomara?" Anastasia's voice shook with concern as she inspected her child, her brows furrowing.
Her instincts sensed danger as she had often gotten kicks from her son while he was in the womb, hence her concern at his silence.
He had seemed like a child who would be full of energy and life and she couldn't help but wonder why her little one was unusually quiet.
"Is something wrong?" she asked again, her gaze fixed on her baby.
Xiomara, the doctor, met Anastasia's gaze with reassurance. "There have been instances where infants do not cry immediately after birth," she explained kindly, an attempt to soothe Anastasia.
"Please rest for some days more, and if you do notice anything unusual -I mean besides this- do not hesitate to inform me."
Xiomara's own curiosity was piqued by the strange occurrence; despite her medical knowledge, this was her first time actually witnessing such a case.
"Are you sure?" asked Anastasia, staring at her child, unconvinced.
The medic maintained her stance, offering a comforting nod towards the child. "I truly believe he will be just fine," she said in a gentle tone.
Anastasia finally relented, though not without a lingering anxiety. "Alright. Thank you for your help, Xio," she said, while her eyes never left the bundle in her arms.
"Anytime, Anna," Xiomara responded with a smile, her own concern masked by her professionalism.
"I will go inform the others that everything is alright. They must be quite worried,"
She turned to leave the room, her shoes clicking behind her.
A few minutes passed, and Anastasia's heart warmed as two women and a man walked into the room, smiling brightly from ear to ear.
Zelda, who had grey streaks in her hair, looked down at Anastasia and the newborn with affection.
"Oh, darling, are you well?" she asked. It had not been the easiest of births and they had all been scared Anastasia would not survive it.
Anastasia managed a tired smile. "I'm okay, Mom," she said, her voice was still weak from the stress of a tumultuous labour. Bringing a new life into the world had left her weary and yet she was glad.
Ethan, her father, beamed with pride as he patted his daughter's shoulder, "Hahaha, he looks handsome just like me!" His grin was infectious, and he had the sort of laughter that sounded like years of generational wealth.
His hair was a seasoned shade of black, with soft creases at the corners of his eyes and mouth. He lifted his grandson with care, making silly faces in an effort to get a giggle from the child.
Anastasia's gaze shifted to Freya, her mother-in-law, who wore a more somber expression. "He is not here, is he?" Anastasia's voice was sad as she dared to hope for a positive answer.
"No, my dear," Freya replied, her tone sympathetic as she shook her head. Her blue hair fell a little past her shoulders, cut shorter than was usual for women.
Anastasia's heart sank, she worried for her husband's safety. His absence was heavily felt and her joy was incomplete without the father of her child.
"I'm sure he'll come back once he hears that you've given birth to a son," Zelda tried to lift Anastasia's spirits to no avail as she softly grunted "Hm," in response, her thoughts all over the place.
Ethan tried to switch to a lighter subject. "So, what have you decided to name our grandson?" he asked, hoping for a smile. Anastasia had experimented with lots of ridiculous names she would name her children since she was a girl.
Her eyes lit up as she said, "I want his name to be..." She paused, her mind racing to find the perfect name from one of the many that she had loved, most of which appeared to elude her.
Suddenly, a name popped into her head,
"Atticus. His name will be Atticus Ravenstein."
"Atticus, what a beautiful name! It suits him perfectly," Zelda exclaimed, excited.
Anastasia nodded happily, she was clearly pleased with her decision as she seemed more animated than she had been a few minutes ago.
Shortly after, Xiomara entered the room, carrying a bottle of deep blue liquid. "Alright, I think we better let her rest. It wasn't an easy birth for her," she gently suggested to the family.
"Here, drink this and rest a little, Anna." She handed her some of the substance in a cup.
"I think 'Atticus' is a great name," she added.
"Thank you. I'm exhausted ," Anastasia replied, accepting the bottle and sipping its contents.
As her eyes became heavy, she entrusted her newborn into Zelda's care.
Zelda cradled Atticus in her arms before, placing him in a beautiful crib adorned with ornate carvings and a regal canopy.
As they left the room, prayers and well wishes were made, hopes high for Anastasia's speedy recovery and her husband's safe return.
Meanwhile, young Atticus found himself grappling with an existential whirlwind. 'What the heck is going on?' he pondered, bewildered by the unfolding events and the weight of his newfound existence.
A\\N: Hi. This is my first attempt at writing and i need reviews to grow. Please, drop some!
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