"Could we get some leg spreaders? " she requests, before turning to him with a smile and saying, "I guarantee that the drinks will be on me. Do you like leg spreaders?" She continued by leaning in even more and saying, "The drink, or the kind of girl."
"Never had the former, but I do like the latter," she said.
"Never had the former." Even though he is curious about who this girl is and where she is from, the fact that she is at ease in the way that she is speaking to a complete stranger makes it easier for him to advance himself into the conversation.
"Then it's unavoidable that you'll fall in love with me!" After Christine has finished laughing, the waitress returns with a tray containing two liquors, both of which have a fruity yellow appearance to them. This occurs much sooner than would be expected under normal circumstances.
Even though they are, by all accounts, a "girly" drink, he has never been one to discard a drink solely on the basis of its perceived gender.
Beer that's sold for a low price typically has a flavour similar to that of diarrhea, but fruity mixed drinks frequently conceal a significant amount of alcohol below their enticing flavours.
He accepts the glass with enthusiasm and gulps down part of the liquid, but the sweetness of the pineapple and melon juice masks the flavour of the rum.
"That's not bad," he says. "That's not bad. Thanks for the drink. So, what are you going to do?" In the grand scheme of things, it's hardly the most interesting topic of discussion, but he could always try something else.
"Oh, this and that," she says, brushing it all off quite casually in a manner that typically implies that somebody does not have a job.
After that, he engages in a prolonged session of small chat aimed at getting to know each other, during which he learns a significant amount about the strange female he has just met.
To top it all off, she has a degree in liberal arts, despite the fact that the list of cities she claims to have lived in is as diverse as it is strangely inconsistent.
The list of bands she claims to have seen also sounds like an incredible and almost unbelievable list for someone who seems to be as 'free-spirited' as she claims to be.
Because it should come as no surprise that she holds a degree in the liberal arts.
There is nothing about her that doesn't scream that she's the kind of girl who would have a degree in the liberal arts.
But on the other hand, she begins to pry information out of him, going on a lengthy exploration of his entire situation, and all the while, she is eagerly attempting to play him with more drinks, each of which has a provocative sounding name such as the sex on my face, redheaded slut, angel's tit, and bend over Shirley. In the end, she manages to get a lot of information out of him.
Nevertheless, he consumes each and every one of them, all the while Christine chortles as she calls out the various drinks.
In spite of the fact that he has been drinking a lot of fruity drinks, the alcohol begins to take its toll on him. At the same time, the cute girl sitting across from him continues her line of inquiry.
But despite the fact that he is quite intoxicated, he is still sufficiently aware of his surroundings to be surprised when she asks, "So, what do you think the world would be like?"
"Excuse me?" he asks, startled but a little slurring, his head bobbing up and down mildly from side to side as he feels himself to be a little too gone to really think about how to follow that up. He is startled.
It is a perplexing query, one that appears to be a little bit excessively philosophical and senseless for him to truly know what to say in response to it.
Despite the fact that it seems to be the kind of inquiry that only someone with a degree in liberal arts would make, "I'm not entirely sure what you mean by..."
She makes a dramatic movement with her hands while making the statement, "Say you could make yourself king of the universe."
"What action would you take? What kind of place do you want the world to become? Come on, it's not a big deal "She leans up close to him and gently strokes his cheek.
"It is sometimes strange. You've been drinking, so I won't judge." Something about her touch gives him a warm feeling all over, causes him to tremble, and makes him feel at ease and satisfied.
He can't help but go along with it, even though it's the strangest sensation he's ever experienced, but he has to admit that it's a pleasant one. His eyes are slowly closing as he thinks fondly about the warmth that's washing over him, and he just can't help but play along.
He shook his head and swallowed, not entirely knowing how to proceed with this situation. The words are there, but they almost seem too ridiculous to utter out loud, if that's even possible.
"I wish there was more honesty in the world around sexuality. Not only was it the case that people were not... It's not enough for me for people to have more accepting attitudes. I have this fantasy that I can just walk up to someone and shove my dick directly into their mouth.
that there was no pretension or formality involved in any way." He stopped in the middle of his talk and take a sip, and then continue his ideal world idea.
"That while my lunch was being prepared, I could put my waitress in a headlock and fuck her as she was bent over the table. I want to be able to say anything to them and have them not only trust what I say but also act as though it is entirely normal when I do so. By fucking her, I wouldn't be doing anything particularly shocking; I'd just be acting normally, like other people do.
They would put on an act of complete and utter normalcy, and then go about their days as usual." He finishes his explanation and chugging more liquor.
After Lucas had finished, Christine burst out laughing.
The words, now that he has said them, seem almost insane, and he can't help but feel like a bit of a crazy person, but at the same time, she doesn't appear to be judging him either. He can't help but feel like a bit of a dork.
She gives a soft purr and utters the words, "I like it."
"Imagine the possibilities in such a world. I'm willing to bet that in that universe, if I slid beneath the table right now to suck your cock, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary in the least bit, would it? Oh, I adore the way the pronunciation of that word sounds. Mm, I like you.
You are straightforward, and that is a fantastic suggestion right there!" After taking a minute to take in her surroundings, she finally asks, "Do you want to have sex with my face?"
"Sure, why not? I'd be happy to take another of those."
"No." She gives a little shake of her head while smiling even more broadly.
"Please, not another instance of 'sex on my face.' I am referring to something besides this." As Christine scurries into position and gets to where he is, she skillfully ducks under the table with very sudden motions and more grace than the kind of girl who has had as much to drink as she has should be able to show off. This allows her to get to where he is.
Christine climbs into Lucas' seat and grabs his pants. She quickly pulls them away and gets his cock out of his pants, and her eyes light up with excitement as she does so. Lucas stares down in disbelief at his lap.
She exclaims in shock, "You're big down there, uh!"
"Wait a minute, this isn't..." As soon as he realises that he's about to tell a lovely female not to suck his cock, the protest dies in his throat, and he swallows it.
It is not the first time that he has engaged in behaviour that could be considered semi-public, and as Christine gazes in captivated fascination at his cock, he wonders what aspect of any of this he could possibly find unacceptable.
Instead, he extends his hands down and grabs the back of her head, feeling the softness of her hair as he grunts and tilts his head back.
"Do you know what? Don't be afraid to try. Help me realise my fantasy of living in a world where beautiful women wait in line to suck my cock."
This is a rewritten version and I have fixed almost every grammar mistake I found, but if you find some point them out. And don't forget to send gifts, golden tickets or some power stone.