to another World
Okamura Hiiro calmly analyzed the scene in front of his eyes. There stood people he had never seen before.
Furthermore, the several men were dressed like priests as one would hardly come across in Japan and amongst them was one girl, wearing a pink dress, too.
The kingdom's name was ≪Victorias≫ and the king unified the 'Humas' of ≪Edea≫, of this world here. The continent was partitioned and each race had its own country.
The so called 'Gabranth' were a race that had animal traits like a 'Werewolf' or 'Werecat' and lived in ≪Pasion≫, the countryy of beasts.
Likewise, the 'Evila', commonly known as demi-humans, were a race of 'Demons' and 'Ghosts' and lived in ≪Xaoc≫, the country of demons.
Lastly, the 'Pheom' were a race consisting of 'Faeries' and 'Spirits', but they didn't have a country on their own. They lived in a small settlement as there were extremely few of them. Hardly anyone had seen them, since they don't interact with other races.
And in front of them sat Rudolph van Strauss Arcliam, the unity king of ≪Victorias≫.
Next to him sat the queen Māris and the girl, who guided them here, was the first princess Lilith.
'Humas', 'Gabranth' and 'Evila'. Between these three races currently existed a tension like never before.
Particularly the Demon Lord of ≪Xaoc≫ plotted to destroy the 'Humas' and 'Gabranth'.
He seemed to think that only his race was suited to rule over a united ≪Edea≫ with their superior strength. So he tried to make a world solely for the 'Evila' by eliminating the 'Humas' and 'Gabranth'.