On the road back to the Instructor, Dave had noticed many people 'Living' their lives as if it was the simplest thing to do.
It was surprising, refreshing, and interesting. How fictional characters 'live' in this world could be beyond Dave's understanding, but still, he appreciated the work that the AI took into creating these lives. It was like a God creating a world filled with miracles. Something, even if it was but fictional, it was still for Dave, praiseworthy.
Dave had a long future ahead of him, and with the $7000$ remaining in his bank account, he could spare some time to build up his character's foundations and then fully focus on how to gather as much money he can.
He took a risk, and he had to succeed. Otherwise, Dave's future would have looked grim. As a young man without proper and full education, nor a fully functioning body anymore. This was his only way to make his future, or at least the only way he has left to make one. Dave was not a stupid person. No.
Far from it. Though he never finished his studies, he always had a book in his hands. It was the Year 2069, and many would only use smart tablets and holographic cards to read data.
But Dave always loved the texture and smell of books, especially the old ones. He developed a habit of reading and research. Whenever he had time at the gas station he used to work in, a book will always be under the counter.
Every time he jumped jobs, he would always bring his stack of books and read them. Especially fantasy books. So, this world of Conquest was both a blessing for him to truly live in a world of fantasy and to achieve a future doing something he actually liked. Dave took on the attempt to better his life, unlike casual players or even Hardcore players. Dave was betting his life.
And a man who is betting his life can only face one difficulty, and that is to challenge himself to become better, and thus, Dave was filled with both pride, perseverance, and hope. Hope to make something out of nothing.
When Dave faced the instructor, he asked.
"I have reached the required strength, could I now wield a weapon? and learn skills?"
"Oh, let me have a look." The instructor began scanning Dave's avatar.
"Oh, impressive! You have grown strong! Very well! Take this!" said the instructor as he gave Dave a short metallic sword.
Category: Weapon
Name Basic Iron Short sword Class: Common weapon.
A short sword used for training, not much of an actual weapon, but at least it is sharp enough to kill some chickens.
Damage: 15-20
Level Requirement: 1
Stats Requirements: 15 Strength. 10 Agility
Bonus stats None
Scaling/Class E: Strength - E;: Dexterity - E.
"Oh, a basic sword, what is this scaling thing?" Asked Dave.
"The scaling of a weapon is related to the weapon's damage output or defense output. Mainly there are several scaling categories for a weapon, ranging from E as the lowest to SSS as the best. An E scaling weapon is factored by the related stat it is linked to. This is the diagram of scaling; you will understand once you read through it."
Scale | Modifier |Stat | Weapon damage [ Finalized damage over 0 Defense]
E |0.25| 100| 15-25 |100+25+ 15 to 25 =140 to 150 Dmg
D | 0.5 | 100 |15-25 |100+50+ 15 to 25=165 to 175 Dmg
C |0.75 |100 |15-25 |100+75+ 15 to 25=190 to 200 Dmg
B | 1 | 100|15-25 |100+100 +15 to 25=215 to 225 Dmg
A | 1.25| 100| 15-25 |125+100 +15 to 25=240 to 250 Dmg
S |1.5 |100| 15-25 |150+100 +15 to 25=265 to 275 Dmg
SS| 2 |100 |15-25 | 200+100 + 15 to 25=315 to 325 Dmg
(This might be confusing but the formula is weapon scale * modifier+stat=dmg)
"Oh, this is more like it. So, the higher the scale on a weapon the more damage output. And looking at the basic iron sword, it has two scaling stats. I think it would take from the two stats." Looking at the diagram, Dave made some mental calculations and understood that with his current stats he could deal from 280 to 300 damage with the basic sword!
Looking at his measly 100 HP, the amount of damage was ridiculous!
However, once he took notice of an interesting thing in the diagram, he could not help but ask.
"It says here that defense Value is 0, how can defense affect the damage output?"
"Oh, before I speak of that, I need to explain about the defense first. There are four kinds of damage modifiers! Here take a look."
Defense type | Value | Weapon damage | Result after defense
Magic Absorption | 100 | 280 to 300 | 180 to 200
Damage Nullification | 100 | 280 to 300 | 180 to 200
Immunity | 40% | 280 to 300 | 112 to 120
"Oh, there are so many, could you explain it to me, though? Why are there three types of defense reduction values?" Said, Dave
"Let me explain. The three types of defense are related to each other, you can find a shield that has one, two or even three types of defense, and immunity is the best of the three as it works in both ways. The maximum a person can have is 40% damage immunity." said the instructor as he explained in a manner akin to a teacher.
Dave understood that for a tank class, they would need both Magic Absorption and Damage Nullification to be a good Tank. There are several weapons that deal with both magical and physical damage. If Dave only focused on one aspect, he might end up dead. However, to have 40% immunity will help him greatly.
"Alright, that session was interesting enough," said Dave "It will take some time to ponder over it, thank you for your guidance." He added before finishing with, "Now, can I learn some of your basic skills?" asked Dave.
"Yes, yes, grab your weapon and mimic this move," said the instructor as he took a wooden sword and slashed vertically to the ground.
Though the sword was made of wood, it managed to crack the concrete ground with a single strike.
Dave then mimicked his skill and achieved similar results. It was strange, how could a sword, damage the earth this much?
You have unlocked your Rage bar.
Rage enables a character to use skills related to sword-wielding classes.
You have gained a new skill Destructive Smash!
Destructive Smash
Skill Level Amateur (1)
Damage / Effects 50% Weapon damage
Stuns target for 1 second
Rarity Common (E)
Cost 50 stamina
Cool down 1 minute