Monday: Every Hole is a Goal- 2 (1 public and 1 patron)
The Daily life of Nik- 1 (Patron)
Tuesday: Every Hole is a Goal- 3 (2 public and 1 patron)
Wednesday: Every Hole is a Goal- 2 (1 public and 1 patron) + Artwork
Thursday: Every Hole is a Goal- 3 (2 public and 1 patron)
Friday: Every Hole is a Goal- 2 (1 Public and 1 Patron) Ne/w novel chaptš¯’†rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m
Unusual Summoner- 1 (Patron for now till 20 chapters)
Saturday: Every Hole is a Goal- 3 (2 Public and 1 Patron)
Sunday: Sorry guys, I gotta rest, too.