Because I Was Excluded Out of the Class Transfer, I Decided to Steal My Classmate’s Lover (WN)

Chapter 1

The deafening sound of a chime awakens my consciousness, which had sunk into the deep darkness.

The soft sunlight streaming in through the window and the idle chatter of older men and women stirred my waking, hazy mind.

The sun's blinding rays burned my eyelids, and tears formed in the corner of my corner of my eyes.

After wiping the tear drops from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand. He ── Kirishima Ran , twisted his characterless face uncomfortably.

In an attempt to compensate for his still-distorted vision, Ran placed his fingers around his eyes and stimulated the acupuncture points.

Perhaps it was because he slept face down using his arms as a pillow that there was still a slight ache in his shoulders and arms.

He wonders if he's tired. Unusually, he fell into a sound sleep in the classroom.

Rotating his stiff shoulders, he checked the current time with just his eyes.

On a blackboard stained with chalk, a simple clock ticks away.

After staring at the second hand until it reached the top, Ran turned his gaze away from the clock with a yawn.

──He has about ten minutes left before homeroom starts.

Ran looked around in boredom, wondering what he could do to pass the time until then.

It's autumn, and he can feel a slight coolness in the unique warmth of the school classroom. Groups of girls, groups of boys , and even members of the opposite sex gather together to chat with their classmates, some of whom are in summer uniforms and others in winter uniforms.

From the looks of it, it seemed that most of his classmates were already in the classroom.

In the corner of the classroom, there was a group of students opening up anime magazines and spouting off a litany of disgusting words, while another group of gyaru girls with their phones in their hands were laughing in high-pitched voices and talking proudly about their slutty sex lives.

It's the usual scene.

Getting in touch with like-minded friends and enjoying the break time just before the start of HR – it"s a wonderful daily life for a high school student.

But that's only if there are like-minded people in the class.

For someone like Ran, the break before HR is the most useless and unnecessary time of all.

He doesn't have any good friends in his current class.

Ran was what you would call a loner.

The friends that he used to be close to have already made good friends in other classes.

When he suddenly remembered and went to talk to her before, she gave him a dubious look and greeted him in a way that made him feel distant.

The only person that Ran thought of as a close friend – to them, he was just some guy they didn't understand who was always hanging around.

──He thought that he should just go back to sleep.

Anyway, if he were to fall asleep again and make the mistake of not standing up when the call was given, he would stand out from the crowd in a bad way.

As he was putting his textbooks in and out of his desk, thinking about what to do, the door in front of him opened with a rattle and two girls came into the classroom.

This is a co-educational school, so it's not unusual for girls to come to school.

As soon as the two girls entered the class, the atmosphere of the class – especially the otaku group that was flipping through anime magazines in the corner of the classroom – was completely transformed.

Influenced by the change in the air, Ran also turned his gaze to the two.

The place was filled with a momentary silence – the person who created that atmosphere. However, the person, herself had no intention of stopping the time in the class.

It's not like she did anything.

The fact that she came to school – that alone has the power to change the atmosphere of the class.

「Sorry, I'm late, nyaa.」

The schoolgirl with the lovely voice that sounds like a ringing bell and a sticking out tongue – Nekoyama Misuzu. While brushing her black hair and a bob-cut with a cat hair ornament, she enters the classroom without hesitation and went towards the group with the highest rank in the class hierarchy, the one with the handsome boy who is the class president and the girl whois part of the track and field club.

With an adorable purring onomatopoeic gesture, Nekoyama Misuzu walks up next to the class president, who is in his usual standing position, and sticks close to him as if waiting to be pampered.

They don't seem to be doing any lovey-dovey stuff like intertwining their arms, but when a male and female of their age get close to each other without any hesitation, there is no doubt that some kind of emotion is brewing between them.

A female student who changes the atmosphere of the class just by coming to school – Nekoyama Misuzu. She was the so-called idol of the class.

She has a small animal-like gestures that appeal to men's hearts, and she has a pure heart that does not disregard or belittle others just because of their looks or rumours. He wondered how many boys in this class alone had been captivated by her smile and voice, and lost their hearts to her.

Ran, by the way, is one of them.

「Nekoyama-san is so cute and adorable today…….」

If he could, he would like to talk to Misuzu every day, even if it's just a few words.

Even if it's just a greeting every morning. He wants to hear more of that lovely voice. He wants to look at that smile much closer.

Well, given her personality, it would seem that Ran's wish would be easy to fulfill.

Misuzu herself does not disregard or dislike anyone because they are a loner or an otaku, and she treats everyone with a smile, so as long as you talk to her, those wishes are sure to come true.

Anyway, she's in a group of people who are excellent in many aspects and well-liked – people who are superior to Ran in many ways. They live in different worlds.

If he was the kind of person who can wade through the upper echelons of the hierarchy to hang out with Misuzu, he wouldn't be languishing at the bottom of the hierarchy, and he wouldn't be spending his days alone, unable to belong to any group.

With this unproductive complaint bubbling up in his brain, Ran quietly looked at Misuzu's group.

「It's rare for Nekoyama-san to be late. Did something happen?」

「Nnnn, a little, nyaa」

When asked by the class president, Misuzu scratched her cheeks and looked at the girl next to her, embarrassed.

The girl next to Misuzu is the same girl who walked into the classroom with Misuzu just a few minutes ago.

「Nekoyama was waiting for me. You know, just because she' s worried that I was running late.」

「Oh, by the way, it's uniform inspection day. I also had my bag searched by a senpai.」

「Because Kanami-chan said she was not going back to the classroom.」

「There are more and more people who jump in at the last minute to escape the attention of the Public Morals Committee. I'm late because of that. All the cunning ideas of those troublesome people make more work for us at the Public Morals Committee. ──It's a real nuisance.」

The female student ──who claimed to be part of the Public Morals Committee Inugami Kagami, crosses her arms under her chest, which puffed up to the point of pushing up her uniform blouse and let a little snort out of her nose.

Ran thought, "It must be tough for the Public Relations Committee to work right up until just before the HR starts."

「Well. Inugami. Doesn't the kendo club have morning practice or something?」

「I have morning practice, of course, but my priority is my committee work. I'll be at the club this afternoon.」

Inugami Kanami replied to the question of another handsome male student who was not the chairperson, shaking her ponytail with a dignified expression.

In addition, her rocket tits swayed through her uniform, and the eyes of the surrounding boys converged on Kanami's chest.

He's not sure if she's used to that kind of gaze, but Kanami didn't show any signs of being bothered by it and meditated on it with pride.

After fixing his eyes on the trajectory of her tits, Ran peeled his gaze away from the group of people at the top of the class hierarchy.

If he stared at it too long, he would be noticed.

As he turned his head to look away, he saw a female student in the seat in front of him preparing for first period.

The female student spreads out her notebook and textbook and silently moves her pen. If I recall correctly, the girl's name was ── Sadogashima Sayaka?

She's a quiet-looking girl with glasses that doesn't stand out too much, and she wears her light brown hair in a bun. Her club activities were also cultural, and I think she was in the tea ceremony club.

For some reason, I've been seeing her a lot lately.

When I'm eating lunch alone or in class, I notice that she seems to be looking at me.

Ran is a cold, almost corrupted youth, but he's still a high school boy in the throes of puberty.

Even though I have another girl I like (I'm talking about Nekoyama Misuzu), I can't help but feel my heart pounding when I see a girl staring at me.

I can't help but think of all the things that are not right, and I even have a little bit of a dirty delusion.

Because I'm a boy.

As I was mulling over this nonsense in my brain, I suddenly noticed Sadogashima Sayaka glancing at me and sweeping her gaze towards me.

Casually and stealthily. Her face slowly turns to Ran as she pretends to look at her textbook.

She stared at me for a moment, and then quickly started running her pen through her notebook again.

The act was genuinely irritating, and Ran couldn't help but get up from his seat.

There is no doubt about it. If I talk to her and ask for her contact information, she'll contact me at night and I'll be on my way to a Riajuu life.

「……Hey. Sadogashima-san, weren't you looking this way just now?」

However, Ran's thoughts were ruthlessly shattered by the words spoken behind him.

I sat up and listened carefully.

「Yeah, you were definitely looking at me.」

「Actually, lately, I've been feeling her eyes on me a lot in class and during lunch break.」

「Seriously, you did it!」

Overhearing the conversation between the three boys, Ran let out a bored sigh.

That was a close one. I wonder what would have happened if I had gotten carried away and approached her without knowing what I was doing.

Tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be called a misguided fool, or a self-confident prick, or some other derogatory term that makes me feel heavy in the pit of my stomach just thinking about it.

These days, it seems that technology has advanced to the point where we can keep in touch with an unspecified number of acquaintances through free calling apps, social networking sites, and other means other than e-mail.

If Ran were to be exposed in a class group, his misguided behavior would spread throughout the class in an instant.

By the way, Ran has never used such apps or social networking sites, nor has he ever been invited to use them with someone.

People who are trying to enjoy their youth might think that Ran is being bullied, but this is not the case.

「I'm bored……」

The emotions that had been welling up in me were instantly extinguished, and I looked out the window with cold eyes.

I'm almost ready to begin HR.

I narrowed my eyes at the fact that I was able to kill some time, and caught a glimpse of the clear blue sky.

The sunshine was dazzling, and a moment later, when he made a shadow over his eyelids with his hand – Kirishima Ran noticed something strange.

The sunlight this morning is clearly too bright.

It was as if the light was shining very close to me──.

The moment my incongruity turned into conviction, my vision burst into light.

「──U, wa!」

──The Big Bang.

The first thing that came to Ran's mind was an intense flash of light that would have been comparable to the birth of the universe.

Screams and shouts came from all around, disrupting the gloomy and depressing start of the morning.

一In an instant, the surroundings turned white, and a strong light that seemed to burn through the eyelids.

The next thing that hit him was an unpleasant floating sensation, as if he had been sucked up with tremendous force.

He braced himself to hit the ceiling if he continued, but the feeling of floating was gone the next moment.

At the same time, the bright white flashes that had been painting the surroundings were drowned out.

Has the sun fallen on us?

Or was he caught in some kind of explosion?

It didn't matter however, but Kirishima Ran wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Monday ── a dreary morning before classes begin.

It was at that time of the day that I was involved in some kind of unfamiliar incident.

I'm sure all the classes will be cancelled today because of the staff meeting or something.

Maybe we'll even have to close the school for a few days.

If that's what's going to happen anyway, I want them to let me go home as soon as possible.

If we wait too long, the trains and buses will stop.

While thinking about this, Ran opened his eyes and was rendered speechless by the sight that spread around him.


A stone wall with no wallpaper, a rarity nowadays.

The floor is also made of inorganic stone, with no carpeting.

In such a place, nearly twenty boys and girls wearing familiar uniforms – the uniform of the high school Ran attends – are lying around.

Some of the girls, such as the one lying closest to me, had their skirts rolled up, exposing their arousing panties in all their glory.

It was a light blue pair of panties with little fabric coverage. It didn't seem to be panties for show, and the shape of her ass was clearly visible.

Since I'm going to do this, I'm going to burn it into my memory.

After putting his palms together at the unintended spectacular view, Ran looked around again.

It seems that the boys and girls lying here are classmates from the same high school – the same class – as Ran.

But apparently, there were few delinquents in the class.

Originally, those people were not the kind of people who would be in the classroom on a Monday morning.

Today, in particular, was the day of the dress code inspection for the public morals committee. They wouldn't think of coming all the way on time just to be cautioned.

As someone who had never been a fan of that domineering tone of voice and behavior, I was inwardly relieved.

That wasn't the problem.

「……where am I?」

If Ran remembered correctly, he had been in a classroom at the high school a while ago.

The morning break just before class started, a time wasted more than anything else, was consumed by idleness.

「I have no idea what's going on.」

While he was saying this, Ran had a vague, but tentative answer in his mind.

This is a situation where you are suddenly thrown from your normal daily life into a life that makes no sense.

I think it's the so-called "other world transfer" that is popular in online novels.

「I guess I could call this a class transfer. I don't know what caused it.」

However, the surrounding stone walls have an artificial feel to them.

It might be safer to think that I was summoned by someone rather than transferred to somewhere else.

「However, this is the kind of thing where the parties involved won't show up until everyone wakes up.」

If he had a friend, he would have woken him up, which would in turn have woken up his classmates, but Ran couldn't be the first to do so.

However, I can' t just leave it like this.

I have no choice but to call out to the nearest unconscious female student in light blue panties.

「No, but I'm not aroused,── I'm nervous.」

Why would she need to wear such stimulating panties to high school?

Underwear is not something you should show off.

Or is it that Ran just doesn't know, and high school students nowadays usually have sex in the classroom?

I think they should just explode.

「Hey, are you okay? Let's see…….. Nekoyama-san! Nekoyama Misuzu-san!」

I almost called her Light Blue-san, but that's not the point.

The girl who fainted while triumphantly showing off her light blue panties – Nekoyama Misuzu, she rolled over from face down to lie her back, making strange noises like「Funyaaah!」

She did that with her skirt rolled up, so now her most important parts were visible through her panties.

I wondered if she was shaved, but if I looked hard enough, I could see her slit clearly.

Ran can't hide his arousal as he stares at the pussy of the girl he secretly has feelings for.

What a bold outfit. It was as if she was inviting a boy who had bad intentions.

I'm sure she won't complain if I violate her like this.

A lot of thoughts came to mind, but Ran didn't have the guts to act on them.

However, it would be a shame to ignore her without doing anything after seeing her in such an stimulating state.

The others don't seem to have woken up yet, so it' probably be fine for a bit.



I mercilessly press my hand against her chest, which is slightly modest for a high school student.

It's softer than I expected.

After I did it, the thought crossed my mind that this was a crime.

No, this isn't a crime. It's a perk, I tell myself.

It is impossible to wake up a person who has trouble sleeping and waking up without touching their body.

I'll ignore the angel in my brain who insists that there must be other places to touch besides her breasts.

「N, nyaa? Huh? Is it morning already? Isn't it still dark? Didn't I leave the curtains closed?」

Apparently, she didn't realize that her breasts were being groped.

I'm relieved at the delay.


「Aaaahー, Kirishima-kun. What's wrong with me?」

Nekoyama Misuzu flashed her canine and scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

The stench of pretentiousness drifts at the end of her words and the movements with tremendous intensity, but all of this is calculated seductive behavior.

This is her true nature.

Of course, there were those who hated her – especially the girls – but she was very popular with the otaku-ish group in Ran's class.

In particular, this girl, Misuzu Nekoyama, does not disrespect or discriminate against others based on their looks or personality.

She speaks nicely to the group of boys at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Incidentally, she is also the only female student Ran has ever spoken to in his original world.

「Don't you remember?」

「Nyaaー……, I remember the part where I was surrounded by a strange light.」

As she said this, she raised her body and brushed the dust and dirt from her back and skirt.

Then she looked around and looked at Ran again.

「「こ、ここはどこなの!? っていうか、何で皆寝てて……。 …… eeeh!?」

She yelled "fusha" and ran over to the fallen students and started shaking their bodies.

The students are shaken awake by Nekoyama Misuzu – twenty-one in total.

A few of the Yankee group who are late every day and one fat girl who has stopped attending school due to bullying are not here. It seems that all the other students have been transferred to this place.

Unlike the class transitions often seen on the Internet, the homeroom teacher or anyone else has not been transferred.

It was early in the morning, so he hadn't come to class yet.

Murmurs, shouts, cries, screams ── a variety of voices came and went around the area.

It was good that there were no immediate violent outbursts, but this closed space was still not good place to be.

The group of otaku at the bottom of the hierarchy huddled together and shivered.

One of them was smirking for some reason.

Most likely, like Ran, he thought of the term class transfer.

「What the hell is going on here?!」

「I don't know!」

A delinquent girl (apparently the only one left) replies to the class president's lament in an angry voice.

The same thing is happening here and there, with some girls breaking down in tears every time an angry voice is heard.

"Crying won't make the situation any better!!" the delinquent girl yells, kicking the wall.

The class is going to collapse before the summoner arrives, Ran thought to himself as if it were someone else' problem.

However, such thoughts dissipated with the next words.

My king! This way! It seems they've been summoned here!」

The summoner is here, as is customary in class transfer stories.

The male student who was grinning earlier makes a small gut punch.

In any case, he's probably fantasizing about getting himself a cheat ability and creating a harem of girls in his class and beautiful girls from other worlds.

「「It seems I was wrong about the coordinates of the summoning magic circle. No, it was a close call. A little more off and I'd have buried them alive in the wall.」

A man in a hooded mantle emerges from the darkness.

He was saying something horrible casually, but Ran ignores it.

There's nothing to be gained by pointing out such things.

「My king, the summoning was successful! –All twenty-one of them are here!」

「Is that so……」

The man in the mantle was followed by the king, who was not a well-built king.

His appearance is skeleton-like. It seemed that he had walked all the way here with his slender arms reduced to skin and bones, holding a scepter and being supported by the knights.

It doesn't look like he's just skinny. It must be a illness – or something a little more serious.

「The king is afflicted by a cruel curse!」

He was going to explain everything, so Ran decided to keep quiet.

The other students stood there stunned, unsure of what had happened.

There didn't seem to be anyone throwing unnecessary jokes or rude comments.

「It's a curse from the Demon Lord. This curse will continue endlessly for as long as the Demon Lord is alive in this world!」


「We tried to overthrow the Demon Lord somehow, but all of our attempts failed!」


「So we summoned a hero from another world, a warrior called Saint Seito, to overthrow the Demon King. ――――」

It was a long story, so to sum it up, it was a simple one.

A few years ago, the king was cursed by a demon king.

In order to lift the curse, we must defeat the Demon King.

However, the inhabitants of this world were no match for the Demon King.

If it is impossible for the people of this world to do so, then they gather forces from other worlds.

In this world, there is something called summoning magic, which can summon people from other worlds.

They're talking about using it to build up their forces.

What a selfish thing to do.

Of course, this was met with an insufferable barrage of abuse from the bloodthirsty students.

But the man in the mantle, the king, and the knights of the Kings Guard were not listening to those rants.

It's like they're used to it. That thought process of not caring about other people's lives makes me bristle.


In the midst of all the angry students, there is only one person – who seems to be holding back her laughter.

The otaku from earlier scoffed in his glasses and then raised her hand with a very sinister smile.

She gets a barrage of stares, but she doesn't mind at all. If she could do it so brazenly, why didn't she do it on a regular basis?

「Summoner-san. As ordinary people, we have no way to fight. No matter how many of those people you summon, it won't make things any better, will it?」

Ran understood what this otaku was thinking.

What are they going to do by summoning us, who have no way to fight them?

This is not to say that she feels disgust or hatred for being summoned.

She's waiting for the words that will follow.

Of course, there is only one thing that can be returned after this line.

「Of course, we know that. Each of you, Saints, has been given the ability to fight and the magic of translation to understand and use the languages of this world.

The otakus grinned and guts-punched again.

She doesn't seem to realize that people around him are giving her the stink-eye.

「Well, then, how should I handle this ability?!」

「It's simple. Activate the energy circulating in your body, and meditate on it. Then you will soon learn of the abilities that were given to you.」

「All right, let's go!」

The otaku meditated on it, and with a pop, some words appeared above her head. Apparently, the ability that was given to her can be confirmed by others.

By the way, the letters that appeared on the head of the swaggering otaku who meditated were.


「That's a liieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee――――!?」

The otaku who got the rubbish skill that any cheat protagonist would have by default crouched there with her head in her hands.

The otaku boys who have taken it upon themselves to play the role of sympathizers while the people around them look at her with pity.

No one pointed and laughed and somehow ── the tense, resentful, angry, and hateful atmosphere seemed to have eased slightly.

It was unfortunate for the otaku boys, but this development may have been fortuitous in that it changed the atmosphere.

After letting out a sigh of relief that it wasn't him, Ran activated the energy that was circulating in his body, just like the otaku boys, and meditated himself.

「……Hey. I wonder if this is something I absolutely have to do.」

「I don't like the idea of risking my life to fight for a kidnappers I just met today …… I don't know what would happen if we crossed them in this situation.」

The class president, Shigenobu Torao, holds Nekoyama Misuzu in his arms as she looks down with anxiety.

When the handsome class president, who is well-liked by both men and women, hugged her, Misuzu's childish face relaxed and her cheeks turned slightly red.

「From now on…No matter how hard things get ── I'll definitely protect Misuzu. I will protect Misuzu, even if it costs me my life. So don't worry about it.」


A faint heart mark appeared in Misuzu's eyes. She grabs the sleeve of Torao's uniform and rubs her face against his chest.

Ran saw such a scene out of the corner of his eye and gritted his teeth as he meditated on his skills.

I'm well aware that she's out of reach, but I can't help but feel jealous.

I know that this unpleasant feeling swirling in my heart is just jealousy, unseemly and self-indulgent, so I don't want to put a damper on their relationship.

「……Besides, what in the world are my abilities?」

『Retainer Training・Sexual Lunatic』

As his classmates around him blossomed with combat-specific skills one after another, Ran ruminated on the name of the skill he had been given.

Retainer training── The ability itself seems to be a skill that allows me to subjugate demons and other beings and treat them as my subordinates.

However, the name – especially the ruby – is a big problem.

Sexual・Lunatic. The literal translation would be " insane sexual bastard."

The stares from the people around me hurt.

It is in a different way than the otaku glasses that drew the appraisal.

The girls look at me strangely, whispering, and the boys look at me as if to say, "「Uuwwaaa, it can't be」

「Hohoho, well well well, Kirishima-kun.' What a despicable ability you've acquired.」

As if she had found someone to knock, the appraisal otaku glasses pointed her finger squarely at Ran.

I glared at it in disgust, but the appraisal otaku shrugged her shoulders and said, "Good grief".

「And I heard that this ability only works on women. What are you going to do with a healthy schoolgirl, make her your subordinate, and then train her?」

The stares from the people around me turn even more disgusting. But it wasn't just Ran who was being looked at. A similar look was given to the appraisal otaku. I guess she deserved it.

「If you're like me, you're not suited for direct combat. To be given an ability that can harm your companions── I can't accept that.」

The way she nodded her head as she adjusted her glasses was a fitting gesture. Of course, I meant as an asshole.

「I don't want to be around you. What do you think, schoolgirls? While you're sleeping, you might be turned into character like in an erotic doujin.」

Erotic doujins, huh……

I wanted to butt in, but saying something here wouldn't make the situation any better.

The fact remains that I have acquired abilities such as training my retainers.

Even if Ran had the skill to talk his way out of this, it would only make him feel uncomfortable as he would be looked at with fear and trepidation the whole time.

「Oi, Onna Megane! You're way out of line!」

The class president, Torao, who had just clashed with the girls, put his hand on the shoulder of the appraisal otaku, Onna Megane.

Incidentally, the ability possessed by Torao is the Tiger Fang・Metamorphosis. It is a skill that transforms part or all of his body into the form of a tiger. It is a name that represents the skill well.

Torao is a handsome young man who hates wrongdoing. Serious and straightforward in mind and body, he is very popular with both sexes.

Of course, the popularity among boys is not cloaked in infatuation.


That's right. I'm sure Torau will try to keep Ran in the class somehow, even though he' s being demonized for unreasonable and absurd reasons.

Ran is now being ostracized by all of his classmates for something that has absolutely nothing to do with him.

The reason why this happened is not Kirishima Ran himself. The ability that was given to me – retainer training – was bad.



I almost reached out my hand to thank him for saving me.


「I'm sorry, but I need you to get out of our class.」

My outstretched hand was slapped away cruelly.

A dark feeling encroached, as my outstretched hand was withdrawn.

And I felt miserable and uncomfortable, as if I had been mocked.

「Wh, why……」

「When you are there, the girls are frightened. This will eventually manifest itself as a lack of will to fight and cohesion. I really don't want to see our unity broken. Besides──」

Torao looked at Nekoyama Misuzu, who was standing behind him.

「I can't stand it if you got your hands on my girlfriend Nekoyama Misuzu.」

「──, Wait a minute!」

Ran complained and tried to grab him, but Torao's firm arm sent him flying backwards.

The arm that struck Ran was much thicker than that of a human.

Yellow with black stripes. It looks like the pattern of a bikini worn by an alien who fell in love with an unfortunate human being.

My girlfriend, huh.

Nekoyama–that angelic Nekoyama Misuzu is Torao Shigenobu's girlfriend?

Nekoyama Misuzu, who is kind to everyone, healthy, and cute, is Torao's――.

Are you telling me that you wore that light blue exciting underwear for Torao!

──No, I knew it.

There is also the fact that the distance between Misuzu and Torao is too close for a mere friendship.

But somewhere in the back of my mind – I just didn't want to admit it, because I was full of hubris.

I just couldn't accept the reality that she was a childish, lovable, mascot who belonged to someone else.

Nekoyama Misuzu smiled at Ran, who was not popular in her class and pretended to be asleep during breaks, just as she did with the rest of her classmates.

「You just said you don't like it when unity breaks down.」

「Though you said that, what does it matter?」

「At the very beginning – when you don't know what this world is like yet, you abandon your fellow classmate, what kind of unity is that? What lack of unity?」

I was forcibly summoned to a complicated world.

The fact that no one, including Ran, is willing to correct this atmosphere that is being promoted on the premise of fighting for life.

And most of all – and this is probably the most painful and humiliating thing for an adolescent boy – he was accused of being a pervert who would abuse his skills to violate girls without restraint in front of the girls in his class.

And then there was the time I was beaten up in front of my favorite girl by her boyfriend.

A high school boy who has not yet fully matured, his mind can't handle all the anger and sadness swirling around and clawing at his heart.

In an attempt to escape the emotions, I unleash as many expletives as I can think of.

And then I release it towards the class president – Torao – who is probably saying the right thing in this situation.

I wondered if I had ever been this passionate in my life.

I didn't know that I had the kind of personality that would let my emotions get the better of me and blurt out unnecessary words.

Ran's shout made the girls even more frightened.

Even the boys looked at Ran with disgust.

Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it!

Don't look at me like that!

Please don't look at me like that…….

「Stop it already. Torau is the class president, not your sandbag. If you're incompetent and can't do anything but take it out on others, you might as well just leave, like the Torao said.」

As if to chastise Ran, another handsome boy at the top of the hierarchy stepped in between the two.

He glared at him, though his words seemed to agree with Ran's exclusion. Ran lost the energy and spirit in his eyes and various things attacked him in succession.

──He was just reacting to your outburst.

──You are a loner, stop trying to maintain your pride.

──It's unseemly and ugly.

──If you want to be in the same place as us, it's because you want to rape us.

Whispers from my classmates come to my ears.

The pitying gaze that had been directed at Onna Megane, Eiichi, became disgust and displeasure, and stabbed towards Ran.

But even Ran is a fine boy, even if he is a loner. There's a strong will, there's pride.

I mustered up my tattered spirit, which was on the verge of breaking, and turned my downcast face forward.

With the last of my strength, I faced my classmates, including Torao.

「I don't know if you're jealous of my skills or seriously frightened of me, but don't go hanging it on me …… You don't have the right to tell me to get out or whatever. The people who summoned us are from the kingdom – aren't they? My skills are needed by these people. That's why──」

I braced my heart with false courage and forced myself to smile.

「I have a reason to stay here.」

「──No, I don't think so.」

The outrageous words were interjected without pause.

Ran was rendered speechless by the outright denial of his existence.

Ran's bravado is shattered, and his false smile… disappears.

「Retainer Training? I don't recall ever drawing a magic circle where such a skill could be imparted.」

「──But the fact is I've been summoned!」

一I clung to the hope of a single detail, and clung to it with a trembling voice.

My willpower and pride had already collapsed.

「What's the matter……? Did something happen……?」

「My king. No, it's nothing. There was just a small mistake, that's all. ──I'll be with you in a moment.」

The final thread that held Ran's heart together snapped with a ping.

For no apparent reason, my whole body went into convulsions, and my jaw began to chatter in a fearful cadence.

One of them places a tepid hand on Ran's shoulder as he falls to his knees.


「Don't worry, there's no need to be upset. I'll call you when it's all over. When the time comes to defeat the Demon Lord and return home── I'll make sure Kirishima gets home too──」

「……Shut up」

I'll bring you home.

What the fuck? That's like saying I' m a burden.

Training my retainers is the ability to subjugate demons and other things and make them my servants.

If you were to go on a journey to overthrow the Demon Lord, who would protect you if you were attacked by countless demons?

That's exactly where Kirishima Ran comes in, isn't it?

But I don't want to use my abilities for these people anymore.

「That's enough……. I can't count on you guys.」

It was true that Ran was probably the least popular person in the class, more like air.

Even in situations where we were supposed to be united as a class, such as sports festivals and ball games, I was probably one step behind, unsure of the distance between us.

And yet…still, in his own way, Ran was trying his best to fit in with the class.

However, it became clear that this was all just a figment of Ran's imagination.

This was before the given skills or the fact that he let his emotions get the better of him and slung profanities at Torao.

Ran has been judged as unwanted by his classmates – all the people in this place.

Because Retainer Training is a dangerous skill. Retainer Training is an unusual skill due to the malfunction of the Magic Circle. The girls would be frightened if a boy with a retainer training was near them──. That's just an afterthought, an excuse.

It was Ran who had been given the dangerous skill. Because it was none other than Ran who had been given the skill to brainwash women.

If it hadn't been for Ran – if it had been given to a wholesome student like Torao, who was trusted by his classmates.

Although not without fear, I'm sure they would not have been in such an atmosphere to exclude him from the group.

This is what happens when a worthless, bottom-feeding Ran, who is not needed by any of his classmates, obtains a dangerous skill that threatens the well-being of the girls.

Turning his back on all the people in the room, Ran wobbled off.

If there was someone here who needed Ran – someone who cared about Ran as a friend. If only he had a real friend who would want to keep Ran as a classmate, even if it meant breaking through the casual atmosphere of majority rules that has come to symbolize school life in modern Japan.

Surely, this would not have happened.

It's painful. I'm being shunned by the people I spent the last week in the same classroom with, learning together and spending time with.

It's not like the ignorant loners I've known. I wondered if this was what it meant to be ostracized from the class.


Misuzu looked at Ran and Torao alternately with a troubled expression, as if she was puzzled by the fact that the malice of the whole class was converging on Ran. There was not the slightest hint of fear or rejection on her face.

Even though she noticed that her breasts were being groped, she made no mention of it. She never even jokingly asked,「Did you see my panties?」 Even though Ran is at the bottom of the class hierarchy, Nekoyama Misuzu treats him with the same smile as usual. Ran said that she was──

「No, I shouldn't have said anything more.」

Even if I think it, I shouldn't say it out loud.

Because if I say it out loud, I'll be gratified.

Don't say it, store it away for a long time ── then act on it, not just talk about it.

I'm not going to cry myself to sleep.

Kirishima Ran walked slowly down the long, dark corridor.

No one noticed the unbreakable heart of vengeance that was sealed in his chest.

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