As we got into the dorm, Paimon finally came out.
"Phew! It was tiring for Paimon not to say anything!"
I told her not to show herself too much because she weirded out the other students. Well, that was just an excuse. The real reason was because I didn't want her to ruin my conversations too much.
"Wah! W-what is that thing?!" said Mona as she hid behind me. U-um, they're touching me…
"Emergency Food." I still managed to tease Paimon, albeit a little coldy due to me hiding my embarrassment. I managed to dodge Paimon's head but this time, but I accidentally touched Mona's chest. Please don't slap me-
"U-um, could you please remove your hand?"
She didn't slap me. This is both weird and nice at the same time. I slowly removed my hand and went to open the closet to ready casual clothing.
"I'm going to change. I'll go to the Adventurer's Guild. You're an Adventurer right?" I said as I went into the bathroom.
"Yeah, but I won't be able to go today. I need to call my friend and tell her to bring my clothes tomorrow." said Mona.
Oh right, I forgot about that. Actually, I'm shocked she wasn't using her phone all that much. Come to think of it, I don't have a phone yet. Well, I don't really need it that much.
I regret that decision later on.
While on the way to the Adventurer's Guild, I came across an alleyway. I could hear weird sloppy noises so I went in. As soon as I went in, the sloppy sound disappeared and there was only a puddle left.
The puddle seemed weird so I squinted my eyes and stared at it. It was at this moment that I could see Elemental Particles. I could see them oh so clearly. This puddle wasn't any normal puddle. It was a compressed form from Hydro Particles, which meant only one thing. It was a hydro slime.
Since this thing actually meant no harm, at least as far as I could tell, I decided to try to speak to it… what? I don't want to be hostile.
"Hi there. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Can you please come out?"
A few moments later, It slowly took its slime form and bounced happily. It was colored blue all over with pale blue eyes. Cute.
"Wanna come with me?" I asked as I crouched down. It bounced happily and then hopped on the top of my head. Ehehe, this feels nice. This softness is the same as Mona's… Wait, what the hell am I talking about?!
"Well, let's get going!" I said as I happily went out of the alleyway.
While I was walking around, I could hear people talking about the slime on my head and thought it was weird. Although, I didn't actually mind them at all. I was having fun just having this slime with me. Ehehe, I made another friend.
Once I reached the Adventurer's Guild building I saw someone I half expected and half didn't expect to be here.
"Yo, Fischl." I said while I waved. She was wearing a black T-shirt and skirt with purple linings and some leggings. She also had the usual eyepatch.
"Hi, Aether. Is that a new companion? What happened to Paimon?" said Fischl in her casual tone. I was really liking this.
"No, she just stayed with Mona at home."
"Oh, I guess she's just lazy huh?" I nodded at that. Fischl made a good point. Paimon was lazy as hell and all she did was talk and eat again and again. It was mentally exhausting talking her into doing something.
"Are you an Adventurer too, Fischl?" I asked her. She smiled smugly at me before speaking.
"I am. In fact, I'm an Investigator for the Adventurer's Guild!"
Ah, so that was why she was so smug. Well, I guess she's my senior at this then, same as Mona.
"Well, please take care of me, Fischl! And by the way, your clothing suits you." I said with the usual smile.
"Y-yeah! And thanks!"
She was embarrassed. Ehehe, I should tease her more. She looks cute like this. Anyways, she was assigned as my mentor and I was given my commissions. They were all deliveries…
I sighed just thinking about how tiring this will be.
I walked outside with Fischl and went on to do my very first commission. It was a letter delivery quest. It was going to be delivered to someone named Glory. I wonder why they still used letters even though they have phones. We walked for a few minutes until we arrived at a small house that didn't really stand out all that much.
"This is Glory's house," said Fischl as she looked at the house, seemingly feeling nostalgic.
"Have you done the same commission before?" I asked. She nodded and smiled a bit.
"Godwin, the one who sent that letter, is always outside the city. A place where phones are useless due to the fact that there isn't any signal. He sends these letters once a month to Glory. Just going by that, you could already tell that he really loves her."
"Wow, that's kinda respectable. To find a way just to inform his lover," I truly respect him for that.
"Anyway, let's head inside." She said as she took a step forward. I followed suit and when we arrived at the door, I was the one to knock.
"Oh, is that letter for this month? Wait a second!" said a female voice as I heard a lot of rustling noise inside.
A few moments later, the door opened and what I saw before me made me wish that it wasn't true.
"Hi Glory." said Fischl. She looked at me and started to explain.
"As you can see, Glory is blind. This is the reason why this letter is a quest. So that we can deliver and read it to her."
My heart completely broke at that. This poor girl was blind. I don't know why, but I just didn't want that. Maybe it's because I'm anxious that this could've happened to my sister as well… Argh! I should stop over thinking!
"Are you okay, Aether?" asked Oz.
"Yeah, your face looks pale," said Fischl as she put her hand on my cheek. Her hands were warm…Even the slime on my head looked worried as it looked down on me. I sighed and answered their worries.
"I'm okay. I just remembered something."
"Okay? Just tell me when you have worries okay?" said Fischl. I nodded as we headed inside.
I read the letter while the slime was sitting on Fischl's lap. The letter contained something reminiscent of a monthly report. The first part that is. The second part was so heartwarming. It says that Godwin will be taking a month break just to be with Glory. I could see tears running down Glory's face as she listened.
I also learned that Godwin was part of the Favonius Knights, a knight order in Mondstatd. It was being led by a senior student in Teyvat High. Well that was surprising.
After that we headed out and did the other three. It was seriously tiring for both of us. We went back to the Adventurer's Guild to confirm my completion and got my pay then started to head home. I remembered that I needed to bring back ingredients for dinner, so we went to the market first. Nothing of note happened… Okay maybe one thing happened.
"I want this!" said Fischl as she held up a packet of what looked like gummy bears to my face. I sighed and decided to buy it for her. She can be like this sometimes as well huh.
I was worried for Fischl's safety so I walked her home. Surprisingly, well not really, she lived in a dorm just on the other side of the school. Her dorm was on the left side while mine was on the right. Her dorm was closer though.
I arrived at my dorm just before dark and saw Mona on the ground saying "I'm hungry!" over and over again. I crouched down and poked her cheeks and said "You're overreacting."
"Ah! Food! Give me food!" she said, clinging to my shirt. Wait a second…
"Where's Paimon?" I asked with a hint of nervousness in my voice. Paimon then popped out and yelled in joy.
"Yay! Paimon's saved! Wait… Is that a slime?! Ehehe, can Paimon make it to slime cake?" Paimon was starting to drool when she saw. the slime on my head. I held the slime to my chest and said a firm "No." to Paimon.
She whined on and on.
Anyways, I cooked dinner and we all ate together. Only two days into the city and I already got this many friends.