Paul had many shop owners visit the mansion for Leonia.
Because of this, they could meet Leonia to learn about her preferences.
So as a matter of course, rumours eventually spread despite his best effort to silence them. After all, the Duke had made so many orders.
Even today, two of the maids who were on shopping duty came in and reported the rumours about the little miss already circulating.
"What will you do?"
Paul let out a laugh as he looked out the window.
From the window, he could see Leonia's round, black head.
She was wearing a thick fur coat while she explored the garden with the maids.
With the red ribbon and her freshly cut hair, Leonia looked completely different from when Paul had first seen her at the orphanage.
Even from afar, he could tell she looked much healthier then.
She reminded him of a small black animal with the way she was smiling and running around in the snow clad garden.
The maids following her also took good care of her and talked to her.
Her confident steps really made you think of a baby beast.
"…She's already strutting off as if she owns the place."
Paul's lips formed a smile as he gazed at her.
Kara, Mono, and Meles could not believe their eyes. Never in a million years could they have ever imagined their master capable of making such a warm smile.
They began to worry if all glaciers would melt the next day.
Paul then answered the question from before.
"Just leave it for now."
His gaze was still fixed outside.
Meles interrupted him.
Paul, who had his eyes outside the whole time, finally shifted his gaze. Although his eyes did not hold any anger, Meles still trembled slightly.
She admitted her mistake and lowered her eyes. However, she still had to say what was on her mind.
"There can be bad rumors spreading."
Nobles in the North were more loyal to Duke Voreoti than the Emperor residing in the Capital.
Though one reason was due to Voreoti Dukedom's strength for the past several generations, the main reason was its lifelong peace and prosperity.
However, it was not as if they would always be completely loyal to the beast.
The daughter the unmarried Duke brought in was the hottest topic within the Dukedom at the moment.
It spread easily amongst the people, which consequently spiralled into some unsavory rumours as well.
"The fact that people are speaking badly of the little miss….…"
Meles' fist trembled silently.
Leonia had brought a warm atmosphere to the cold Dukedom.
There was always laughter wherever the young miss went. Meles too, who had been tasked to guard her, had become extremely attached to her.
Meles didn't want the little lady to be talked badly about by others.
She didn't want others to speak ill of the little lady.
"…I see."
Paul stared at Meles. His indifferent face showed a faint trace of satisfaction.
"I'm sure no one will openly talk about it unless they have a death wish."
Since the Master of the North was back, no one could speak so openly about such things.
However, if the rumors reach Leonia in any way,
"We can just kill them."
Paul was not easily influenced by rumors. He was indifferent even to rumors about himself.
But Leonia was different.
Although they had only been in a father-daughter relationship for a couple of days, Paul didn't want such things to reach Leonia's ears.
It had to be that way. Even if she acted mature, she was still a child.
He couldn't forget her utter awe at seeing the snow covered Voreoti land.
Even then, she was running in the snow cheerfully.
"If you find anyone spreading such rumors, I give you the honor to spill their blood with your sword."
Meles saluted.
Right then, there was a knock at the door. Paul gave them permission to enter.
A huge man with tied brown hair greeted Paul.
It was Manus, who had stayed back at the orphanage with Loupe. Paul got up before Manus could say anything.
"We have guests."
His calm black eyes then glinted with red.
* * *
Leonia's pale cheeks were red after playing in the garden.
"Did you have fun?"
The head maid, Pelica, smiled warmly as she brought Leonia to the dining room.
Leonia nodded and told her what she had seen in the garden.
"The snow came all the way up to my ankle. It felt like it was grabbing onto me every time I took a step."
"I see. Shall I tell the servants to clean up the snow?"
"No, I like snow."
Leonia shook her head and smiled. Then, she revealed her big plan to go out again to build a snowman.
As she talked, the maids placed Leonia's wet coat and shoes next to the fireplace.
The warmth of the fire warmed up the dining room's whole atmosphere as well.
Soon, the head chef brought in snacks for Leonia.
Leonia's black eyes sparkled at the snacks in front of her.
A warm cup of milk with fluffy white foam, colorful vegetables and meat, and focaccia bread with cheese inside cut into bite sized pieces.
The tray used to serve the snacks had a baby black lion painted on it.
That meant it belonged to Leonia.
"Thank you for the food."
Leonia gave her thanks to the head chef, who had personally brought her the food. The head chef smiled back.
Leonia could taste the cheese when she took a bite of the focaccia.
A warm feeling spread inside her mouth when she drank the white milk after swallowing half of her bread.
Leonia exclaimed joyfully.
"It's delicious!"
The adults watching her also felt a sense of satisfaction at seeing her reaction.
In the week she had been in the Voreoti Dukedom, Leonia's health had gotten noticeably better.
Her previously dirty and unruly hair had become soft from all the oil applied to her hair. Her thin arms and legs had also started to gain some fat.
Most of all, her face had become round and chubbier, which made her look much less pitiful.
It was when she was almost finished with her snacks.
"Lady Leonia."
Meles came to the dining room.
Leonia hopped off the chair and ran towards Meles.
"Was exploring the mansion fun?"
"You should speak informally to me."
*T/N: Leonia was speaking 'formally' to Meles this whole time
Leonia pouted at Meles' repeated corrections. On the other hand, Meles thought that was very cute.
"But I feel more comfortable with speaking formally…"
"It's unacceptable for the Lady of the Voreoti Dukedom to speak formally to a lowly knight."
"But you have to work very hard to become a knight."
Leonia did not agree that knights were 'lowly'.
Meles kissed the hand of the young lady, who understood the struggles of being a knight.
She was relieved Leonia's skin had become smoother compared to the first time Meles had touched it. When Meles raised her gaze, Leonia averted her eyes in embarrassment.
"Lady Leonia."
Meles finally told her the reason why she had come.
"The Master has asked for your presence."
"The old man has?"
Leonia tilted her head, then squinted her eyes in suspicion.
"…Does he want me to do 'something cute' again?"
Paul gave Leonia everything she needed. A bed, books, and even a pony she would need when she practices horse-riding.
'What a waste of money.'
Her reaction upon receiving all those gifts was unlike what you'd expect from a child.
'They must really be related by blood.'
'The way she speaks is the same as the master.'
'They're both so indifferent.'
All the servants within the mansion whispered about it.
Leonia pretended not to care. However, Meles could tell otherwise—her ears would turn red when one of the whispers reached her ear
No matter how much money Paul spent, it would never leave a dent on the Voreoti family's finance.
It was like pricking your finger with a nail, only to find out that not only did you not shed any blood, but you don't feel any pain either.
However, Paul had one condition.
'They say the cute things your child does can really brighten up your mood.'
He told Leonia to do 'something cute' for him at least once a day, all because of what his only friend, Count Canis Linet, told him.
When he told Leonia this, she had grimaced as if she had drunk a glass of saltwater.
'…What happens if I don't do it?'
Paul only shrugged his shoulders in answer.
'Then I guess I haven't raised my child right.'
'I won't kick you out if you won't do it.'
'…Old man, are you a pervert?'
Leonia squinted her eyes in disbelief and slowly backed away.
Paul poked his daughter's forehead with his finger.
'When are you going to start calling me dad?'
'I'll try my best.'
Because of this, Leonia had to perform something cute for him every single day.
"You seem to be enjoying it as well, Lady Leonia."
Meles smiled as she thought of the cute things Leonia had done.
As Meles was almost always by Leonia's side, she often witnessed Leonia's acts of cuteness as well.
"I'm not enjoying it…"
Leonia complained with her lips pouted like a duck.
She was simply doing her best for Paul to show her gratitude for taking her in.
That had worked pretty well, for the most part. Paul always seemed to calm down whenever he saw Leonia's awkward attempts at being cute.
After his daughter had finished, Paul would give her a candy as a reward.
It was a strawberry milk flavored candy wrapped inside a pretty paper.
'The master and a strawberry milk candy…'
It was a combination that did not match at all. However, in the eyes of everyone else, Paul was undoubtedly a caring father when he handed Leonia the candy.
While Leonia, who kept all the candies in a glass jar next to her bed, was a sweet and lovable daughter.
The maid told Paul that Leonia would pour all the candies out, put them back into the jar, and do it again multiple times before going to bed.
Meles had been worried as she knew the real reason behind the adoption, but it was a relief to see that the two of them had formed a close relationship in their own ways.
'They never cease to surprise me.'
The cold Voreoti residence akin to an icy snowy mountain had started to become a bit warmer.
"But why did the old man ask to see me?"
Meles looked at Leonia held in her arms.
"We have some guests."
Meles's expression, which had been warm and soft moments ago, grew rigid. Leonia touched her cheeks nervously.
"Are you angry?"
"They are not exactly welcomed guests."
"Why not?"
"…They are the people who hurt you, Lady Leonia."
Meles stopped.
"The master asked me to bring you, but I am honestly worried. I am worried that seeing them will cause you pain, Lady Leonia. If you do not want to go, I will take you to your room. I will explain it to the master as well."
Leonia widened her eyes.
Then she slowly opened her mouth.