After hearing the suspicious loud sound, two men came out from the small trail at the side of the road where the previous young woman's car was hit. Although it was in the middle of the night, they weren't asleep.
They were playing cards and drinking when a deafening commotion disturbed them. Under the thunderous sky, it was distinct to both of their ears. Something was hit hard instead of the usual thunder cracks.
As soon as both sprinted toward the scene, they saw a truck dashed away and a destroyed burning sedan. Cursing under their breath, they had no time to record the license plate number as they bolted for rescue.
One of them halted and said, "I'm getting a fire extinguisher and my tools. You figure it out yourself in the meantime. And take care."
One man nodded and watched as the other returned for additional tools. He rushed to the sedan and saw a wounded young girl, blood trickled from her forehead, and her upper clothing also soaked in red. The door was slanted and he tried to pull out. It was stuck.
He hurried around and tried every other door. It was all the same. None of them worked anymore. The heat gradually rose as he felt it burn his skin, despite not directly touching the flame.
It was fortunate the rain still poured down. Else he couldn't fathom how soon the car would be inflamed. At least, the rain managed to slow the process and he got more time to think.
He somehow saw a long metal stick, perhaps crunched out from this vehicle. Picking it up, it was a bit heavy; he stuck the metal between the opening and slammed it out with his entire body like using a crowbar.
After several trials, the failure wasn't a surprise because its bulky weight caused inefficiency. The man was desperate because if a young life passed away in front of him, his heart would shatter.
He had never seen the appearance clearly since the hair covered most of her face. Everybody regarded females as a weaker sex and most vied for protection. If she was replaced by a man, although his heart would be painful it wouldn't hurt as such.
Fumes of cold gas sprayed from his right side. His friend had arrived and the fire extinguisher screamed nonstop to put out the fire with the help of oncoming rain.
"What're you looking at? Hurry! Get the tools to work." His friend roared out. "I bring out our phones along too. Call 110 emergency number."
He picked up the phone from his friend's back pocket and dialed the number.
"Hello, Please send an ambulance quickly. We've got an accident at the intersection…"
After putting the phone on the speaker, he laid it down on the grass around. The two together stopped the situation from worsening and managed to free the woman while speaking with the caller. Seeing her fragile, he put her down on the grass, not knowing what to do next except to take out their jackets and put them over her for heat. Both waited for the paramedics.
Soon, sirens blared, and help had arrived. Police cars, ambulance and fire trucks all rushed to the scene.
In the emergency room of the public hospital in Province N.
"Female, mid-twenties. Multiple injuries, possible bleeding inside. Patient is unconscious."
A group of doctors took over the patient from the ambulance while one of them who appeared to be a team leader asked for further details from the paramedics.
She was a female doctor and nodded after listening to the paramedics' briefing; she sent them out after they finished and checked the patient while everyone connected the required instruments around.
Young woman in a coma, car accident, possible internal bleeding and damage to the brain. She listened to the commotions and closed her eyes, her brow filled with exhaustion.
"Low Heart rate and low blood pressure."
The screech from various medical devices showed the direness wasn't over. Doctors and nurses scrambled around the patient. Despite chaotic moments, the whole situation was under their methodical control.
"Performing Chest compression!" The previous female doctor rushed and straddled over the patient, paying attention not to worsen the injuries. Her hand clasped as she put pressure on the patient's chest, her body moving up and down.
"It's still dropping."
"Electric shock needed!"
"Stay clear!"
"All Clear!...Shock!" The girl's body rose from the bed and slumped afterward. The doctor continued her work and 2 minutes later.
"Stay clear!"
"Energy Increase!....Shock!"
"It doesn't go up. Heart rate still decreases. More Energy." The machine beeped to notify it was ready for a shock.
"Stay clear! Shock!" Now for a third time electric shock had been given but no good change was happening. Everyone's face wasn't well. Soon the line and number displaying the heart rate became stagnant straight and dash on the monitor. A long blare announced the worst news for the patient.
The female doctor wasn't giving up and mounted on top and pressed the patient's chest again.
5 minutes passed and every staff sighed. Frustrated, chest compression never stopped. She wasn't accepting failures.
One of them couldn't help but pat her back and said, "That's enough. We did our best."
The female doctor also sighed and got out of bed. Suddenly the patient's heart resumed and the monitor proved the miracles.
"It's beating again."
Everyone rejuvenated and proceeded with the treatment. No one knew the soul inside had already changed into someone else.