The stupid dog was dying, so Sera could finally breath a sigh of relief.
'Fuck, fighting is way harder than I expected. I probably should clean these wounds before it gets infected. Wait, I'm an Evolved now, can it even get infected? Well it's better to not chance it.'
She had about half a dozen bleeding wounds, three of them looked or in her backs case, felt really bad. After looking herself over, she looked at the hound, then after thinking for a couple of seconds she approached it.
"I can't say, I'm sorry for this. You should've known better, than to attack me. Now you will get what you deserve and die like a dog, drowning in your own blood."
Sera began to walk away, but then she heard a whimper and looked back. There the Hellhound was watching her, it's eyes seemed to ask her to kill it, to show mercy and put it out of it's suffering. Feeling sad for some reason she obliged the beast's last request.
She plunged her fist into the beast chest, and crushed it's heart with her bare hand.
"I hope you find peace, wherever you go."
She stood there looking down at her bloodied hands. This wasn't her first kill, that was the angel. This wasn't even her first life and death situation, she had about 2 dozen of them already. But this felt different, her death was so close, but she fought and ended up killing her foe instead. And what a kill it was.
Realizing what she had done, and looking at all the blood and gore around her. She instantly went on her knees and started vomiting, but of course nothing came out she haven't eaten anything for at least a week. Remembering that fact she started to get hungry, but then she stole a glance at the dead hound and all the nausea returned.
After a couple of minutes Sera tried to stand up, but suddenly started to feel lightheaded.
'Shit, the wound on my side is still bleeding.'
She looked at the bite wound on he right wing but couldn't see anything, no blood, not even dirt. Then she remembered 'Through hardships, pain and suffering the only thing that remained the same was his wings'.
'So they have strong regeneration ability and are self cleaning. How convenient, sadly the rest of my body doesn't have such power.'
She quickly dismissed her wings and took off her jacket, it had two giant hole on its back, caused by the wings most likely. Then she pulled off her shirt, it had two holes as well, and pushed it into her side wound to slow the bleeding. She touched the back wound and thankfully that was only a flesh wound and had already stopped bleeding.
After getting that done, Sera tried to stand and managed albeit not easily. She was looking for something, to try and stitch herself up or at least clean her wounds, but she came up empty handed.
In the end she went next to the corpse of the Hellhound and started gathering materials for a fire. In a couple of minutes there already was a large pile of scarp wood she found on the ground, she even found a lighter somehow. After the fire was burning bright, she put a metal fragment next to the flames to heat it up.
"I certainly hope Evolved can't get infected, otherwise I'm going to be so fucked."
Pulling out the fragment from the fire, she moved away her shirt from the wound. The wound didn't go deep enough to hurt her organs, but it was still bleeding. She put a stick in her mouth, and without hesitation, she put the glowing metal onto her wound, then pushed on it with her shirt.
"AAAAHHHh...AAGH...Agh...huh." She screamed, until passing out from the pain.
Sera woke up to her side being in excruciating pain. She immediately released the hot metal and looked at the wound. The whole area was angry red colored and hurt like hell, but it wasn't bleeding anymore at least.
"I should still probably bandage it up though."
She grabbed her shirt, which was actually burned through and tied it around her stomach area, putting pressure on the burn.
"Huh... Okay now that I'm done with that, what should I do." She thought for a second and then heard her stomach growl. "Well I probably should look for some food and something to drink."
She looked to her left and took a deep breath.
"Well I'm sorry about it but you are already dead, so you might as well serve another purpose."
'Am I really going to do this? Butcher the Hellhound and eat it? But how do I even do that? I only learned about it in some class, never actually seen someone do it.'
She took a couple more deep breaths and then grabbed another metal fragment and used it to pry out one of the beast's monstrous talons. The talon was the size of a dagger but much sharper.
Holding the claw she flayed the skin off of a part of the hound's side. Then she began to cut off pieces of meat.
While doing this she tried to distract herself so she wouldn't pass out from the nausea.
'The monsters have more categorizations than the Evolved. They can be put in 7 different Classes and each Class has 3 Tiers. The first Class and the weakest of them all is the Tainted, above them are the Rotten like the very Hellhound she was butchering, at the 3rd Class are the Corrupted and at the 4th Class are the Horrors like that hateful pigeon was.
The rest of the Classes are classified from the regular citizens...'
"Wait I'm not a Citizen anymore! Watch what are the last three monster Classes?"
"Sorry Angel Monarch! The requested information is currently unavailable on this device! Request help in the nearest city's Main Terminal! Nearest city is Castleburg! Suggested route..."
"Okay that's enough. Thanks. Huhh...Unavailable...Figures." A bit dejected she turned back toward her work. She was nearly done already.
"Angel Monarch! You have unread messages!"
She was surprised by that, but was too hungry to care at the moment. So she threw some more wood onto the fire, and started cooking the Hellhound meat.