Ryo's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft glow of early morning light seeping through his curtains. For a moment, he lay still, his mind a haze of confusion. Then, slowly, he realized that the oppressive heat and agonizing pain that had plagued him were gone. He took a deep breath, relishing the sensation of air filling his lungs without the sharp sting of discomfort.
He sat up cautiously, half-expecting the wave of dizziness to return, but his body responded with a surprising ease. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Ryo stood up, marveling at how light and strong he felt. He stretched, feeling his muscles loosen without the slightest twinge of pain.
Making his way to the bathroom, Ryo splashed his face with cold water, the refreshing sensation waking him fully. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, noting that while he looked tired, his eyes were clear and his skin no longer felt feverish to the touch. Satisfied that he was indeed well, he decided to start his day.
Ryo headed to the kitchenette and opened the refrigerator, scanning its contents for breakfast ingredients. He frowned as he noticed that some of the meat, which had been fresh just a day or two ago, now looked as if it had been there for almost a week. He dismissed the thought, attributing it to his groggy state from the recent illness.
He grabbed some eggs, a few vegetables, and a package of bacon, deciding on a hearty meal to celebrate his recovery.
He moved with practiced efficiency, cracking eggs into a bowl, chopping vegetables, and frying bacon until it sizzled and filled the apartment with its savory aroma. The routine of cooking was comforting, grounding him after the bizarre experience of the past days. Once the meal was ready, he plated it carefully and sat down at the small table by the window.
As he ate, Ryo reached for the remote and switched on the TV, hoping to catch up on the news or watch some mindless entertainment. To his frustration, every channel displayed nothing but static. He cycled through them repeatedly, each time greeted by the same snowy screen and white noise.
"Great, just what I need," he muttered, assuming it was a problem with the signal. Setting the remote aside, he pulled out his phone to check for updates or perhaps stream something online. As he unlocked the screen, his heart skipped a beat. The date displayed on the top corner was seven days later than he expected.
"No way..." Ryo whispered, his mind reeling. He double-checked the date, then opened his calendar app to verify. The same date stared back at him, unchanging. He had been unconscious for an entire week.
Panic gripped him as he tried to piece together what had happened. How had he survived without food or water? Why was he suddenly feeling so well after such a severe illness? His mind raced with questions, none of which had immediate answers.
Leaving his half-eaten meal on the table, Ryo stood up and began pacing the room, trying to make sense of the situation. The thought of being out for a whole week was unsettling, raising a plethora of concerns about what had transpired in the meantime. He rushed to his window and looked out over the city.
Everything seemed eerily normal from this vantage point, but the silence that permeated the apartment complex was unsettling.
Determined to find answers, Ryo decided to venture outside. He quickly changed into fresh clothes, grabbed his phone and keys, and headed out the door. The hallway was quiet, almost too quiet, and as he descended the stairs, a sense of unease settled over him. The building, usually filled with the sounds of neighbors going about their lives, was eerily silent.
Reaching the ground floor, Ryo stepped outside into the bright sunlight. The streets, however, were a stark contrast to the serene morning. Abandoned cars littered the road, some with doors ajar, and there was an unsettling stillness in the air. He walked cautiously, his senses on high alert, as he tried to make sense of the surreal scene around him.
Shops and cafes that were usually bustling with activity were shuttered, their windows dark and lifeless. There were no pedestrians, no cyclists, not even the distant hum of traffic. It was as if the city had been deserted overnight, leaving Ryo feeling like the last person on earth.
He pulled out his phone and tried calling a few friends and family members, but every call went straight to voicemail. Messages went unanswered, adding to his growing sense of dread. Something had happened while he was unconscious, something that had turned his world upside down.
Determined to find out more, Ryo made his way to the nearest grocery store, hoping to find someone, anyone, who could explain what was going on. As he approached the entrance, the automatic doors slid open, revealing an interior that was just as abandoned as the streets outside. Shelves were ransacked, and a few scattered items lay on the floor, evidence of a hasty departure.
Ryo wandered through the aisles, calling out occasionally in the hopes of finding another person, but his voice echoed back at him, unanswered. It was clear that whatever had caused this exodus had left the city in a state of disarray, and Ryo was left to navigate this new reality on his own.
Returning to his apartment, he felt the weight of isolation press down on him. The world he had known was gone, replaced by a silent, empty city that offered no clues as to the fate of its inhabitants. He sat on his bed, staring at his phone, the date and time a constant reminder of the lost week and the unanswered questions it represented.
As night fell, Ryo's mind churned with possibilities and fears. He knew he had to find out what had happened, to piece together the events of the past week and understand his own miraculous recovery. With a determined resolve, he vowed to uncover the truth, no matter where it led him.