In the early hours of the morning, Cain was nestled in a peaceful sleep, oblivious to the world outside.
At precisely four a.m., a shooting star blazed across the sky, its brilliance so intense it seemed to illuminate the entire night. Yet, despite its spectacular display, no one took notice.
The star streaked across the heavens and descended straight into Cain's room. Instead of an explosion, it bounced softly on the floor like a rubber ball before transforming into a little girl.
She was tiny, like a fairy who'd stepped out of a whimsical tale, with long, wavy platinum blonde hair and a pink dress that fluttered as she floated. Perched on her head was an impossibly cute bunny hat. She hovered over Cain, peering at him with wide, curious eyes.
"My . . . ," she said in a slow, melodious voice with an air of chic nonchalance. "Is this the man? But he's nothing like an idol.
In fact, he's the complete opposite of one."
Her eyes traveled over Cain's sleeping form with a critical glare. "Long, dirty gray hair that could use a thousand washes and conditioner, and definitely a haircut. His skin is dry, littered with tattoos — some might dig the bad-boy look, but his skin and face could use a serious facial . . ." she double over at his face, and muttered seriously, "A lot of facials."
She bent over Cain's form, scrutinizing every imperfection. "His tall, which is a plus. His build is lean with well-defined muscles, which is another plus, but he reeks of booze and cigarettes. Minus points. We don't want that. A bad image is a no-no."
She floated around Cain, examining every detail with a mix of thrill and apprehension. "This might be more work than I thought. But don't worry, nothing like an Idol-Idol Goddess like me can't handle!"
With a dramatic flourish and a confident nod, she puffed herself up, ready to take on the challenge of transforming this decidedly un-idol-like figure into someone worthy of her divine intervention.
"The universe had entrusted me with the epic task of elevating this dirty and ugly human into a dazzling star destined to blaze across the heavens. His name would glow so brilliantly, even the stars would feel compelled to immortalize it in the night sky!"
"So noisy!" Cain jolted upright in bed, rubbing his eyes in irritation. "Who's making such a racket this early? You'd better have a damn good explanation, or I'll make sure your body floats down the river by the time I'm done with you."
"My, my, how savage." The goddess said, covering her mouth in exaggerated surprise. "But don't worry, once I'm through with you, that filthy mouth of yours will only utter sweet words," she added with a sly smile and a voice as smooth as silk.
"Huh?" Cain squinted at the source of the voice and found a tiny, floating girl. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and blinked again.
"Hello! Nice to meet you, filthy, smelly, dirty human. My name is too grand for your grime-covered mouth to pronounce, but you can call me Fifi. Pleasure to meet you."
Cain's brows furrowed in annoyance. He grabbed the little girl in his hand and tossed her out the window before turning back to his pillow. "Just an annoying bug."
Fifi zoomed back into view, her face flushed with anger, though her lips remained stretched in a tight smile. "I'm not a bug, you brute! Is that how you treat a goddess? I'll curse you!"
She paused. "I can't do that. I'm supposed to make him into an idol. He can't be an idol if he's dead."
Cain jolted up in bed and gasped as he realized something. "Wait, you!" he shakily pointed at the floating little girl. "You!"
"Have you finally woken up?" Fifi chuckled.
"You're a talking bug!"
". . . Maybe I should really turn you into the filthy pig that you are. Or perhaps a day in hell would teach you some manners, hmm~?"
Cain shook his head. "No, no. A bug can't talk. It must be the alcohol . . .
or I'm still dreaming?"
Fifi's patience was wearing thin. She took a deep breath and waved her hand.
The force knocked Cain back. A refreshing wind swept over him, and the pain from his earlier fight and his headache from the alcohol vanished. Suddenly, he could think clearly again.
"This is . . . real?" he said, struggling to believe what he was seeing.
"That's right." Fifi flew closer to him with a threatening smile. "Now, let's start from the top, okay? My name is Fifi, an Idol Goddess," she introduced herself and curtsied.
Cain's mouth fell open, unable to find his voice from the shock.
"I know this must be surprising, but the universe has chosen you to be a top idol and sent me to help you reach the stars! It will be a lot of work, considering your ugly and brash attitude, but with me on your side, you have nothing to worry about!"
"Wait! Wait! WAIT a goddamn minute!"
Fifi flicked her finger and hit Cain on the head.
Cain rubbed his head and growled. "Wait. Idol? Goddess? What the hell is this?"
Fifi sighed and shook her head. "Looks like you're also slow. You're beyond help it seems. Good thing you have me, a goddess who can handle lost cases like you."
"Shut up and answer my question, or I will kill you!"
Fifi's eyes narrowed with a shivering smile on her face. "Is that so?" She flicked her hand, and Cain gasped as the ground beneath his feet suddenly opened and magma erupted.
"W-what the?!" He immediately clung to the edge of the floor as the fissure widened. "What's going on here?!"
"A taste of what will come if you don't become an idol," she said with a smile, though her eyes were empty.
Cain shivered when he suddenly heard noises from below. When he looked, he saw charred hands and burnt, tortured flesh trying to claw their way out from the lava.
"What the hell?!"
"That's right. That's hell."
"Get me out of here!" Cain struggled and kicked away the hands trying to drag him down.
Fifi let out a soft laugh. "Are you ready to listen to me now?"
Cain nodded without hesitation. Instantly, everything returned to normal. He was still sitting on his bed, as if the fissure, magma, and charred hands were nothing but illusions.
At that moment, Cain realized that this foul-mouthed little girl was much crueler than her appearance let on.
Is she really a goddess? Shouldn't goddesses be kind and compassionate?
She's more like a little devil.