The Vanthar Manor was alive with the warmth of the magical fires that lined the halls. The hallways filled with the aroma of a sumptuous feast waiting to be eaten.
Lassim's heart swelled with anticipation as he hurried down the grand staircase from the library to the dining hall. His steps echoing through the opulent halls adorned with tapestries which depicted the great feats his father and mother had accomplished; a feature that showed his noble lineage from a strong heritage merited through battle.
Entering the dining hall, Lassim was greeted by the sight of his parents seated at the head of the table, bathed in the soft glow of magical candlelight.
"Lassim, come join us," Everard beckoned, his voice resonating loudly, yet softened by the warmth of familial love.
Taking his place at the table, Lassim felt a surge of joy at the comforting presence of his family.
His father, Everard Vanthar, was known as the Iron Marquis for his unwavering resolve and battle acumen. He sat tall and stoic, his gaze piercing yet filled with a hint of paternal pride as he watched his son sit down.
The record dictated that he received his title as the Iron Marquis for one of his greatest feats against the Dragal, roughly about 3,000 years ago. It was a story that had become a legend the bards sung about from time to time. It was sung as such:
In the heart of the crimson battlefield,
Amidst the chaos and carnage,
Wrought by those Dragal scum,
The great, the mighty, Everard Vanthar,
He stood like a colossus,
Those bastards slain!
His great bastard sword gleaming,
With the fiery fury of a thousand suns!
He was the IRON MARQUIS!!!
The tales said his father's element of fire filled his weapon with power so immense that it burned so bright that the nearby kingdoms has witnessed the glare.
It was said the air crackled with the intensity of heat as he faced down a monstrous horde of 4,000 abyssal demons lead by a Dragal Lieutenant as he held the western warfront's supply line by himself. It was a surprise attack that happened while he was on the way to his new posting.
His resolve unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds lead to them naming him akin to a shield that stood in the face of the danger. Unmoving and heavy but fiery like a freshly smelted bar of iron.
The stories told that with each swing of his blade, Everard carved a path of destruction through the ranks of the enemy with movements like a raging inferno. He was wild with blazing fury as he was a beacon of safety for the human supply line amidst the blood-soaked earth.
The Dragal demons' abyssal legion that included towering behemoths with skin as hard as stone, fell to ash before his sword. He held steadfast and protected the line before reinforcements could come.
As the battle had raged on, Everard's valor and tenacity became legendary as he held the line and annihilated nearly 2/3rds of the legion by himself until the reinforcements arrived.
This feat inspired awe and admiration amongst his comrades and everyone who heard this tale. The feat of holding the line like an iron shield against the demons earned him his wealth and title when the current Aurora king so proclaimed. Thus he was henceforth the "Iron Marquis".
After recalling the tale briefly, Lassim had sat down at the dining table which was laden with a feast fit for royalty. There was roasted venison from night deer, savory pies filled with sun fish, and an array of scrumptious vegetables adorned the table, their enticing aromas tantalizing his senses.
As they began to eat their fill, conversation flowed effortlessly, filling the air with laughter and affection. Lassim listened intently as his father regaled him with tales of valor and duty, instilling in him the importance of upholding the honor of the Vanthar name.
"You are the future of our house, Lassim," Everard declared, interrupting his meal briefly. With his voice brimming with pride he continued, "Tomorrow marks the beginning of your journey as a spirit warrior. We will travel to Golden Lotus River City early in the morning. Me, your uncle Gryphon and you will all travel together.
At all times, remember your training and your duty to our family and legacy."
Lassim nodded solemnly, and put his father's words to memory. Though Everard's expectations weighed heavily upon him, he found solace in the unwavering support of his family.
"Egelina, my dear, would you care to pass the bread?" Everard requested, his tone filled with the affection he held for his wife.
"Of course, my love," Egelina replied, her smile radiant as she reached for the bread basket. Turning to Lassim, she spoke with gentle reassurance, "The spirit awakening is a momentous day, my son. Your spirit awakening ceremony is a time of celebration and joy. We are proud of the young man you have become and stand by you. This will be the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
No matter what elemental spirit you obtain, even if it's not Fire or Nature, we will love you the same as before. Just do your best. We love you."
Lassim's heart swelled with gratitude for his mother's support. Her words filled him with a sense of joy, easing his anxiety for what was to come.
As they continued their meal, the conversation turned to lighter topics, with Everard regaling them with tales of his own youth at the academy and Egelina sharing fond memories of family gatherings on her side of the family from years past.
The Rohese family is renowned for their mastery of the nature elemental spirits. They boasted a long line of formidable warriors whose strength lies not in their martial prowess, but in their ability to harness the power of the nature and the land itself by mastering healing and creation. Their bond with the nature elemental spirits served as a varied career path for many of the Rohese clan.
It is not only in the medic tents or hospitals on the battlefield that the Rohese family's influence is felt.
As masters of the Nature element, they are revered for their ability to shape and nurture the world around them. From their hands, they are capable of crafting wonders. From towering citadels to sprawling gardens, their creations stand as testaments to their boundless imagination.
Egelina Rohese Vanthar, Lassim's mother, is herself an Nature elemental warrior that focused mainly on using the power of her elemental weapon, a vine whip, for creating these beautiful estates that held the Rohese family prestigious emblem; a status symbol.
A Rohese family estate could cost families hundreds of thousands or even millions of high-grade elemental source stones. Their beauty known far and wide across the continent.
The hours passed in a blur of laughter and storytelling, the familial ties strong as ever.
As dessert was served—a decadent chocolate cake buns adorned with sugared violet raspberries—Lassim felt his anxiety being replaced with excitement for tomorrow.
With a final toast to tomorrow's journey to be safe, Lassim bid his father and mother goodnight as he hurried to retire to his chamber.