The morning sun cast a golden glow over the Iron Marquis Manor as Lassim, his father, and the guard captain Gryphon were preparing to depart for Golden River Lotus City.
Standing before the imposing gates of the Vanthar estate, Lassim couldn't help but admire the grandeur of his home. He tried burning the image into his mind as it would be the last time he'd see it for the next few years. After the ceremony, he would immediately be leaving for the academy he gets accept into. The studies and academic plans at any of the academies won't allow him to return so easily.
The Vanthar Manor's glory stood tall like the Iron Marquis. Its towering spires and fortified walls exuded an air of strength and invincibility. The estate itself sprawled across many acres of land. The inner areas were encased in the protective walls. Inside, the main estate building was surrounded by pristine gardens and winding pathways that led to hidden alcoves and secluded ponds throughout.
There were marble statues of Vanthar warriors adorned the pathways, their stoic presence gazing out with an aura of vigilance and enchanted magic.
In addition to the statues, nestled in the corner of the estate's courtyard, a small shrine to Ribus, the god of flame, stood with humble reverence. It was a modest statute that contrasted the grandeur of the surrounding buildings. Crafted from weathered stone, the shrine depicted a lifelike image of Ribus in a moment of fierce determination.
The sculpted features carved out a fiery visage that was symbolic of the god's temper and strength.
At its base, a magical flame danced in an eternal tribute to the fiery deity. It's flickering wisps of flame radiated a warm glow of protection and slight ferocity. Its' sacred aura embracing the entire shrine to Ribus.
As Lassim and his father emerged from the main entrance, their carriage awaited them. The estate's maid staff had carefully parked it in the manor's expansive training field. The field was usually only reserved for the knights and soldiers who served the Iron Marquis.
This morning the field was not bustling with the typical morning activity where the employees guard warriors would being honing their skills by sparring with one another. Instead, it was silent and solemn as they wished to send off their young master and the lord with honor.
The carriage itself was drawn by a pair of majestic night deer. Night deer are majestic creatures native to the dense forests and wooded areas of Nexaria. Standing tall and proud, they possess slender and graceful bodies adorned with shimmering coats of midnight black. The blackness is interspersed with patches of deep indigo and silver.
Their fur is thick and lustrous, providing insulation against the cool night air and gives them an air of ethereal beauty to all who look at them.
In Nexarian folklore, night deer are often associated with mystery and enchantment, their presence believed to herald good fortune and blessings upon those who encounter them. A blessing the trio of the Vanthar lord, guard Captain Gryphon and the young master Lassim would be hoping for on their travel.
This, coupled with their exceptional forest navigational swiftness, make them perfect mounts for carriages in and out of Swallowtail Mountain City.
The carriage itself was adorned with the Vanthar family crest—a magnificent two-handed bastard sword crossed with a blazing sun, its rays reaching outwards like fiery tendrils—gleamed in the morning light. Its polished wood and gilded trimmings reflecting the majesty of its occupants.
"Gryphon, ensure everything is prepared for our journey," Everard commanded, his voice carrying through the training ground's field.
The guard captain, Gryphon Vanthar, nodded in acknowledgment. He had his hand resting firmly on the hilt of his sword as he checked the Night deer's bindings once more before hopping onto the driver's coach position.
Lassim's uncle Gryphon was a stalwart figure with weathered features. He had a thick black beard and piercing eyes that carried a hint of wild fury. That fury was an easy sign that he carried a fire elemental spirit, and that he had trained in the sword techniques of his younger brother, the Iron Marquis.
His strength and power was great, but experienced warriors with a strong spirit sense would be able to see that he was noticeably a few levels below that of the Marquis.
With everyone inside and ready to set off, Gryphon gave a gentle nudge of the reins. The night deer began to pull the carriage forward with their powerful hooves clacking against the cobblestone path as they set off on their journey.
As they passed through the gates of the Vanthar Manor, Lassim stole a final glance at the sprawling estate. He felt a pang of nostalgia and slight sadness tugging at his heartstrings.
They followed the road to Golden River Lotus City, where the ceremony would take place. It began by leading them through the rustic and bustling streets of Swallowtail Mountain City. Nestled at the foot of the verdant mountain, the medieval town bustled with activity as merchants hawked their wares and townsfolk went about their daily routines.
The architecture of Swallowtail Mountain City was a blend of rustic charm with timber-framed buildings and cobblestone streets. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, displaying the heraldry of the Iron Marquis' sun fire sword crest in front of the different shops and guilds that called the city home.
The banners were a marker stating they were under the protection of the Marquis and a warning against any thieves that would test their luck against them.
As they passed through the bustling streets, Lassim couldn't help but feel a bit sad about leaving his home finally for the first time. The aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the scent of exotic spices, and the loving old grannies that would treat him when he was exploring.
Despite his thoughts, he was filled with anticipation. Counteracting his slightly sour feelings a send of joy was hanging over Swallowtail Mountain City. There was excitement in the eyes of all for the young master's spirit awakening as they saw the carriage pass. Many well-wishers were waving goodbye to the young master as they all knew he was on his way towards his spirit awakening ceremony.
For Lassim, he waved back to everyone he could and eventually bid farewell the town. He was prepared to embark on a new chapter of his life.
As the carriage continued on its journey, leaving Swallowtail Mountain City behind, it entering the forest's pathways. Silence overtook the carriage as Lassim hung his head outside the window carriage while pondering what Golden River Lotus City would be like.