He awoke in an unfamiliar space. The ceiling does not resemble the small apartment that he rents. The smoothness of the wall lessens, and the white ceiling hue is replaced with a creamy brown color.
Maybe it's just his imagination or maybe it's the drowsiness. He pushes himself up and discovers an interesting fact. he was wearing quite high-class clothes. it's made out of fine fabric, a little more handmade than his usual cloth.
He looks around and finds something even more absurd. he finds himself inside what looks like a theme hospital. There's a syringe settled nearby and what looks like a potion bottle. Every piece of furniture is made out of ornate wood giving it a moody and old feel. Similar to a coffee shop.
Cling cling cling
A small bell rang when the door was open. John assumes that it's a nurse who opens the wooden door. What he didn't expect was that a nurse was wearing a nun's uniform. With a closer look, one could notice an imprint of a sun held up by a lone torch stand.
'Is this a new prank?...'
"I'm glad you've woken up. I'll notify your servant."
The nun assessed his condition with her eyes before leaving. She soon returned with a fully-fledged maid. A long album hair and a peaceful expression. Her garment covers her entire body, even her feet. She moves over to John and places her hand on his shoulder.
"Excuse me, master"
"Hey, what are you..."
John tried to ask but was stopped by a cold feeling spreading from the maid's hand. it felt like he just used some cooling powder from inside his body. John looks at the maid confusingly as the feeling spreads through his bones and muscles.
The maid's face turns grim when the coldness reaches the center of his body.
"What's going on!?"
John yelled out, he could not hide his uneasiness anymore. they are touching him and making him feel weird.
The maid sighed and made a sad expression. John pushed himself off the maid. The chill dissipates into thin air. And the feeling of uneasiness also disappeared.
"What the hell is going on!?"
His voice rose almost to a scream. It is no longer funny. at first, it seems like a harmless prank, but the coldness does not feel like a prank. It's as if someone has invaded his body. His breath quickens as he looks at the maid again.
"M..master...I... sorry"
This doesn't make sense. Why is she so sad about this?
"Where am I?"
"You have been admitted to Lmemore Royal Hospital." The nun answers him with a solemn look.
John is at a loss for words. He knew precisely where he was, even though he had never been here before. In his favorite novel, The City, the protagonist spends the entirety of the first act there. Lmemore is the capital of Eyre.
"What the hell, are you joking? Is this a prank? Are you the author of Divine Twig?"
"Master, please calm down"
The maid increases her voice to combat John's. He snaps out of it and quiets down. the confusion and rage still present on his face. The maid heaves a sigh of relief.
"Master I know how you feel but you need to take a deep breath."
Breath in
Breath out
His emotion has subsided little. He furiously scans the room. Trying to uncover something that will confirm that this is all a prank, one giant performance. Someone will emerge from the room, and we will all laugh together.
Reality, however, does not appear to agree with him. Outside the window is a city. One that he imagines when reading his favorite literature.
"Are... we really in Lmemore?"
"Yes, master"
The maid answered. Prompting John to go silent.
"Who am I?"
The maid looks across to the nun with a questioning expression. The nun responds out of obligation.
"I can confirm that all the damage has been healed. Must have been a healing drunkness or something" the nun said confidently.
"..." The maid's gaze digs deep into the nurse with that answer
"...." the nun looks away. "Maybe he just wakes up, people who suffer significant damage might have short-term memory loss"
The maid didn't quite believe it, but she let it go. She then returns her attention to John.
"Master, you're Duke Antores' second son, Reeva Antores."
John ponders a little. He searches his memories for clues to his identity. The name certainly sounds familiar. After racking in brain for a solid minute. He eventually figured it out. Reeva, Duke Antores' second son.
The person with just approximately two chapters of lore.
An extra that appeared early on for the MC to beat the soul out of him. A guy that exists for the Mc to face slap. Nothing more than that. A total extra that wasn't even relevant in the story.
"Why am I here?"
John already knows the answer, but he asks merely to confirm his guess.
"Um... you were.... fighting with Student Klad" The maid answered with a lower voice.
Out of all the times and places he definitely appears at the worst. Reeva was said to have been beaten so badly that his power was forever ruined that all happened in 1 chapter and in another chapter, this guy returned as a demon and was also pathetically beaten by the MC.
Based on the situation, John could see why the maid was so upset. When your foundation of power is damaged, it is almost impossible to rebuild, ultimately crippling you as a power user. That's like a death sentence for Reeva, who is constantly bragging about his power.
John could see Reeva ruining the whole room after hearing that news. That must be why the maid is afraid to say anything.
The room grew silent as John thought. His mind has already accepted reality to a certain extent. Meanwhile, the maid lowers her head and waits for Reeva to erupt in wrath after learning that he lost to Klad, a commoner honor student.
But that moment never came, she looked at her master again to see Reeva sitting on the bed. Looking strangely calm.
She suddenly liked this healing drunkness that Reeva was in