On the forest road to the Imperial City.
"The Emperor has called for you Knight Captain."
I was on my way to the Imperial city on a mission to escort the royal family.
While I was riding on my favorite horse, Justie, in front of the royal carriage, I received a message.
The messenger was one of my subordinates behind me.
"Understood. I'm sorry, but replace me here."
I lined up with my skilled subordinates near the carriage.
There are ten people, including me, guarding the carriage.
The representative of our country was returning from a meeting with foreign countries.
"Your Majesty, I, Conrad, have arrived."
"Oh, Conrad. I'm sorry, if it's unexpected, my daughter's mood is really good. Mind if we take a break?" Said the current Emperor, James Guradosu.
He had blue eyes and a blond beard. He wore luxurious golden clothes for aristocrats and a red mantle embroidered with the royal symbol of a unicorn.
He's a man who was now 40 years old.
The reason why he asked for me was because of the princess.
Well, it was understandable.
Elene-hime was 13 years old
It was her first time going out of the country.
"Understood. We will now have a break. All soldiers, halt the advance!"
The soldiers stopped as I had instructed.
"His majesty has ordered for a break. Everyone, remain vigilant as you guard the areas you've been assigned."
"""" Yes!""""
The soldiers went to guard their respective areas just as I had instructed.
The guards consist of three mages, two swordsmen, three archers and two knights.
This time, I was the Knight captain. This meant I also serve as the commander.
The carriage behind the royal carriage carried servants. We were also tasked to escort them.
Five people walked out from the carriage and quickly prepared tables, chairs and parasols.
If you look at them, they work really fast.
His Majesty, the Crown Prince and the Princess came out from the royal carriage and sat on the chairs.
As always the wife… Claire Guratosu, looks very young.
She appeared to be in her late 20s. She had hair that was bundled up and big, blue eyes. Her nose and mouth were also pretty. It's easy to understand why she looks so young, it's because she had no wrinkles.
She really likes her dress, which is decorated with gold embroideries.
However, unlike her appearance, she's actually 40 years old.
I was really shocked when I first met her.
I wasn't convinced when I was told that she was of the same age as His Majesty. I felt like I was struck by lightning when I discovered that it was true.
Because she doesn't talk much, she really looked very young…
The Prince and Princess sat between the King and Queen.
Crown Prince, Chris Guratosu
Like the King, he had short blond hair with long double eyelashes and blue eyes. He wore blue aristocratic clothes and was a handsome young man.
At the young age of 15 years old, he had already practised swordsmanship with the soldiers and was also really smart.
He's 165 cm tall and he still hasn't stopped growing.
He didn't pose any problems as the heir.
Then there's also another person.
Sitting between the Crown Prince and the Queen. Princess Elene Guratosu.
A cute girl with long blond hair and big blue eyes.
The light pink dress she wore suited her very well.
We have already been troubled because of the princess' curious personality.
Even such a girl would probably get tired on her first long journey.
As expected she became quiet.
The four were very close to one another and where relaxing as maids poured tea into their cups.
Looking at this scene, they appeared to be a very close, humble family.
However, they are in fact, Royalty.
Recently the number of people that wants them dead have increased.
His majesty works really hard in politics for the people who live in the empire.
However, recently, a small part of the nobles have started moving. They frequently target the lives of the royalty.
Fortunately, the worst hasn't happened yet. However, the security of the Empire has gotten bad because of them.
A common example are slave auctions.
Slavery was banned in the empire. Anyone would be punished without question if they were found out to possess slaves.
Yet, the number victims of human hunting kept increasing and auctions would happen in the back alleys.
I wanted to find their hideouts, however I still haven't caught their tail.
What's more, the demons have recently become more active. That has caused us to become really busy and has limited our reach.
Normally, we wouldn't have brought the Princess and the Queen to diplomatic meetings. The reason why we had to, was because we didn't know when or where they'd be attacked.
It still didn't change the fact that it was dangerous.
Actually, there was a demon attack. However, the experienced soldiers I chose didn't have much trouble.
The soldiers would even be fine if trolls and ogres came out.
Because they live on their own, they will probably only be encountered one at a time. (e/n courtesy of Tensaiz)
Well, even if three demons appear, I, alone, would be enough to handle them. However, because His Majesty and the servants are here, the battle would be really tough.
Also, were only an hour away from the capital.
That was why my guard was down during this time.
―――― Guo~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~oo!
"!? That's!"
A tremendous roar resounded nearby.
We, the soldiers, His majesty, and the maids became vigilant of our surroundings.
―――― Dosso! Dosshi! Dosshi!
From the sound, I could tell that not just one, but more than two demons were approaching.
―――― Dosshi!
"!…. This can't be true!"
With an ax on their shoulders, five ogres with a height of five meters appear, causing the earth to tremble greatly.
Rewind time a little
I'm currently in the middle of the forest standing in front of a beautiful lake.
Also, I'm in a huge pinch.
It's because.
"Which way's the city?"
I don't know in which direction to proceed, as a result, I'm stuck.
It would've been great if I could ask for help.
I wanted someone to tell me in which direction I should go.
Well, even I know that it's bad, if I start walking in a dangerous direction.
For now, let's drink some water.
I squatted down near the lake and removed the jaw part of my helmet.
Actually, the jaw part of the helmet can be removed so that I won't have any problems when I eat.
Its times like this that I hid my appearance with the armor that Amaterasu made.
I don't want the information of my real appearance to leak to the enemy, so there might be a need to wear this armor everyday.
Because of the enchantments, I won't feel hot or cold with this.
I won't need to use blankets when I camp outside.
If I were to ever enter a guild, I wouldn't need to pack many belongings on my missions.
I scooped water with my two hands as I thought of such things.
The water is really clean.
I drank the water from my hands.
It was delicious and cold.
And the air was also delicious.
I would have never been able to taste such clean air and water in my previous life in modern Japan.
I searched for any presence nearby before I made my armor into a bracelet. Leaving only 'Sakuya'.
"Haaa~ That felt good."
I lay on my back and spread my arms.
Somehow, I felt a sense of freedom.
Now that I think about it, I have never felt this safe in places other than my room.
Yuusuke-kun's fanclub would harass me at school.
If I walked in the streets, I would never know when they'd attack me.
It's all that baka Yuusuke-kun's fault!
That baka Yuusuke-kun isn't here right now!
He doesn't yet exist in this world!
That's really great!
I felt that I had a really big smile on my face now.
I immersed myself in this feeling for a while.
At that time.
I sensed something that wasn't there before.
However, I couldn't feel any hostility.
By the way, the reason why I'm sensitive to presences was because of the life I had in Japan.
It gradually came closer.
It must be some kind of wild animal.
―――― Kasakasa
I was surprised at the animal that emerged from behind the tree.
It was a creature that had black fur, looked like a horse and had a horn on its forehead.
Calling it divine would be the appropriate term to describe it.
No, wait a minute. Just what is up with this situation?
It's because the thing that appeared in front of my eyes was a unicorn!?
I froze up for a while.
Those were creatures that only appeared in legends back on Earth.
They were recorded to have looked like white horses possessing a sharp horn.
They were said to have a fierce and brave personality.
An existence you wouldn't be able to stand up to.
They were faster than any horse.
The horn was said to possess the ability to cleanse poison and cure diseases.
It was the symbol of 'Purity', 'Chastity', and also, as one of the seven deadly sins, 'Rage'.
They were also strangely attached to virgins.
Here in Erudoa, their personalities and characteristics didn't change that much.
However, unlike on Earth, they weren't attached to virgins. But to Knights that were strong enough to make them submit.
That means that that Knight would be the strongest knight. One that is adored and longed for by the world.
It's expected that the unicorn had a lot of pride. It is said that they only choose one knight every 500 years.
He'd become a legend to the people.
There's also something else that's a bit different.
The unicorn that was stronger, faster, and smarter, than the white unicorn. It's ability to purify and cure diseases was also more potent. It is said that it had the ability to restore strength and heal injury.
It's personality is said to be calm and more prideful than the white unicorn.
However, nobody has ever seen its appearance.
And now,
the glorified and prideful black unicorn wanted to be spoiled by me..
I'll say it again.
The black unicorn wanted to be spoiled.
It rubbed its cheeks with mine!
What's with this situation!
I felt like my head was going to explode!
Additionally my face was contorting.
I recalled my earlier conversation with God, this felt much more realistic than that, so I was able to accept it much more easily.
For now, let's try rubbing its neck.
It neighed happily.
How cute and calming.
"…….. Are you willing to come with me?"
When I was able to somehow say something, its horn shone brightly, so I involuntarily averted my eyes.
When the light disappeared, I saw that the black unicorn stood in front of me equipped with a harness.
Apparently, it has recognized me as its partner.
"Are you really okay with me? There may be other people who are more suitable than me."
The unicorn disagreed by shaking its head strongly, acting sweet with me.
I thought, "Yareyare" and started stroking its neck, making him pleased.
This was how I met my partner.
I continued stroking him for a while.
"Hey, do you know the road towards the capital?"
I tried asking him.
It's because I wanted to leave before sunset.
The unicorn brought the stirrup closer to me.
It seems like he's telling me to get on.
"Ah, I need to wear the armor."
I imagined the myself wearing armor and suddenly a black haze covered my body. I was now equipped with jet black, plated armor and helmet. Sakuya was mounted on my left hip.
By the way, Sakuya was attached to me like a magnet. It was strongly stuck on me.
As if it was saying that this is its place.
When the unicorn saw me, wearing my armor, its atmosphere changed and its eyes shone. Its pride seemed to have been satisfied.
Somehow, I felt really embarrassed.
As I was thinking of that, I placed my left foot on the stirrup and rode his back.
I was saved by the knowledge that was given to me because it also contained the knowledge on how to ride horses.
I held the reins.
"Then, let's go the directi– waaa!"
He suddenly started running at a breakneck speed and all I could do was scream.
I was really surprised by how fast he was and was also impressed by it.
"You're really fast! Amazing!"
It felt like he was saying, 'Of course I am' to me.
He didn't lower his speed as he ran while avoiding trees. We were as fast as the wind. Kinda like a gale.
"Alright! Your name will now be 'Hayate'! It means gale in the words of my home country."
It seemed that he liked it.
I could tell from his cries.
"That's great. Take care of me, okay? Hayate!"
"Ahahahaha, I can see light!"
A scream!?
I started feeling out for any presences. I could sense some people from the place where we were headed. I also felt these huge ominous presences.
I have a bad feeling about this.
"Faster, Hayate!"
Hayate understood my words and increased his speed.
I'm not like Yuusuke who's a nice guy.
However, I can never abandon anyone who's in real danger.
I didn't want to become a hero like in some Animes and Mangas. I just didn't want to become a heartless human.
This is not like that time with Yuusuke, where a magic circle for hero summoning suddenly appeared. I didn't help him because I judged that it wouldn't bring him any danger. However, this time, I clearly felt a really unpleasant feeling.
We need to hurry.
I parried the ogre's axe with my bastard sword.
I pushed the ogre back greatly with my arm strength.
I didn't miss the chance when the ogre's balance broke. I jumped up at it and pierced its forehead with my sword.
The ogre screamed as it fell.
Blood oozed from the wound on its forehead.
I stabbed the sword deeply into him to deliver the finishing blow.
I pulled the sword out the moment the ogre's eyes became white.
The ogre convulsed for a while until it stopped moving indefinitely.
Two remaining.
Corpses were lying around the two ogres.
The servants and the Royal Family were clustered together in the distance, a bit farther away.
"Haa~ Haa~ Haaa~"
My breathing sped up.
Looking around, I could see that my subordinates were in a state where they couldn't move.
I was the last one standing.
Damn it!
Just what was that!?
Ogres normally act alone. Its quite abnormal for five to appear at the same time.
It normally takes a party of 20 soldiers to defeat 1 ogre.
The only one who could fight against an ogre solo was me. As a result, I was called as the Empire's strongest. It was quite impossible for the others.
Lesser monsters, like goblins, and intermediate monsters, like kobolds and harpies, normally appear in groups. However, it was impossible for greater monsters, like ogres, to appear in groups.
"Just what the "Kyaaaaaa!" damn it!"
I noticed that an ogre was near the Royal family when I looked back to see why the princess screamed.
His Majesty and the Crown Prince held the ogre back with their sword as the maids and servants stood to protect the Queen and the Princess.
Though His Majesty and the Crown Prince were quite good with the sword, it was still impossible for these two o face an ogre.
This is bad!
I'm too far away from them!
Even so, I still tried to run as fast as I could.
An ogre stood between us and blocked me. It seemed like they had planned it.
"Shit! Move it!"
I sliced him with the bastard sword.
The ogre flung me away.
I landed on the ground behind me.
That was dangerous…
If this continues, His majesty will…
Looking at His Majesty's situation, I saw that a giant axe was about to be brought down on them.
However, I couldn't muster any strength.
No matter how much strength I tried to gather, it was all useless.
Damn it….
This isn't a joke….
The Empire's strongest Knight Captain is in this situation.
Knight Captain!?
Empire's strongest!?
I'm so weak!
Help His Majesty!!!
—- Gucha!
"Gua… gaa!"
What just happened?
A large hole suddenly appeared in the chest of the ogre that was about to attack His Majesty, and it fell on its back.
—- Ton!
"Good, I made it in time."
I heard the sound of somebody stepping on the ground and when I looked in that direction, the low voice of a man could be heard.
My eyes then opened wide.
The one that appeared was a black knight, riding the legendary black unicorn.
This was our Empire's… no, the meeting with the Black Knight that will change the empire.