When I noticed it, I was in a white space.
Well, this is my second time so I'm kind of getting used to it.
When I turned around, there was a blonde haired Bishojo ; her age was about 15 to 16 years old and she froze with a surprised face.
…I will do it.
No, what am I so work up for.
「Are you the the administrator goddess of this world?」 (Kaoru)
When asked, the goddess-like Bishojo finally moved and responded.
「Yes, that's right, I am Celestine; I am an administrator! Welcome to my world: Vernie!!」(Celestine)
Somehow, the tension is high. This is a kind of a troublesome person …
「Uhm…, I heard the story from the God who manages Earth, and … because I'm in his care before, so …」(Celestine)
She is too tense. Her way of speaking is kind of annoying … but my future is in her hands and the other party is a goddess; I should calm down and listen!
「Hai, hai, hai, hai, I'm asking you, of course! I'm really grateful to you!」(Celestine)
… Why appreciation? Because I can't understand, I'll try to ask as calmly as possible.
「Well, why are you thankful? Aren't I troubling you somehow ?」(Kaoru)
「No, there's nothing like that! I really appreciate it!」(Celestine)
Then she slowly told me about the circumstances and I manage to generally understand it.
Apparently this goddess, she seems to really respect the god who manages Earth.
He must be quite famous among the manager races; he's a very respectable person …
No, he is a 「god」not a person, and among the young goddesses, he has a good reputation.
That was why Celestine was delighted to be in charge of this world, that was in the same family system with Earth, that was managed by that god.
But there was no opportunity for her to make direct contact with her senpai god. Even so, she wants to have a group social gathering and district exchange meeting. (I wonder if there was such thing)
But it was impossible for her to talk directly to her senpai god; it seems she was only looking at him from afar.
And then, there was my case. That longed for senpai god came to see her directly. More than that, he lowered his head and asked a favor.
It was something she was really delighted with.
Therefore if I had anything to ask, as an apology from her respected senpai god, 'please don't hesitate to say it!'
She was really happy,「How fortunate I am; I will help you a lot!」
And that was the story.
Well, I don't mind about that, instead I'm thankful for being saved, but …
This is a detailed meeting. I am desperate because my life depends on this.
「In the meantime, that god promised me a cheat,
a conversation, a reading and writing skill,
a body rejuvenated with my original genes.
Ah that's right, is there any inconveniences with my original body?
Like, will stands out or I can't have children, … 」(Kaoru)
「No, black hair, black eyes are somewhat uncommon,
but there is no such thing as discrimination.
And there is no differences in physical matters, so there is no problem with having children」(Celestine)
It was safe.
「Well, I have decided on the promised cheat …
But before that, I have a question.
Is there any magic in this world, or monsters and persons in a profession of hunting them?」(Kaoru)
It was a very important question. The answer of that would change the cheat that I chose and my life policy from then on.
「I don't quite understand about cheats, but that person, he told me『For my sake, would you please give her a superior ability she will need to survive』
And about what you asked, in this world, there is everything: magic, monsters and hunters」(Celestine)
Alright, as planned!
「Okay then, about the cheat, I'd like to ask for
『A potion maker ability that can create potion with any effect that I like and「free of charge」』」(Kaoru)
「… What is that…?」(Celestine)
「I ask you 『A potion maker ability, that can create potion with any effect that I like and「free of charge」』
Because civilization is behind the times when compared to the Earth, I am afraid of getting injuries and illness.
If I'm bedridden with illness or can't use my limbs for the rest of the year because of injury, I would die with a lot of suffering.
That is my request. It is just an ability to cover a small part of the disadvantage that came because of that god's mistake, that I cannot live on earth and had to come to this world.
Goddess, do you think it is too much to ask?」(Kaoru)
「… Alright, alright! It's okay! I just want to hear what kind of ability it is because I don't understand it!」(Celestine)
Alright, I'm going further with this condition! I took a look at the goddess while thinking how to get the best bargain from her.
「Oh, it is inconvenient if I don't have a container to put the medicine in. What kind of containers are good …
Like a small test tube to carry around …
But if want to store a large amount, the small tube would not do. And in the shop we will need a stand for it, too.
How about a cap, if it is an aluminum cap, there is a problem with this world civilization.
… What should I do … 」(Kaoru)
I took a look at the goddess face. Yes, it was a face that said 「I don't know that, also」.
「This is troublesome, so do you think it's okay for the container to appear as I will, at that time ?」(Kaoru)
「Well, okay, a container will appear as your desire」(Celestine)
Alright, I got her word!
「This is the cheat that god promised me」(Kaoru)
「Is that so? Well, let's start the creation of your body」(Celestine)
「Oh, please wait a minute!」(Kaoru)
I stopped the goddess. Yes, I did it to a goddess.
「But with only this, it may be possible to survive, but it seems to be rather inconvenient life with low civilization level and bad public security …」(Kaoru)
「Well, it's because it's this world is so, just to endure it …」(Celestine)
The goddess says so with a troubled face. Here come another press.
「Well, I know that, but the god of Earth says 『I'm asking the local manager to help you if you have any hardship』and you also said you would help me!」(Kaoru)
「Well, surely I said so … then, what kind of things do you want?」(Celestine)
All right, I did it!
「It is an item box」(Kaoru)
「… What is …?」(Celestine)
「It is an item box」(Kaoru)
「What, what's that item box …?」(Celestine)
I will explain as soon as possible, I have been waiting for her to ask.
「It is impossible for me to continue walking with the equipment and tools necessary while traveling in this world. I need water and food, and if I carry money or valuable items, I can't be relieved in a world where I can't trust even a inn or a bank.
In other words, I can't save money no matter how much I work. It is difficult to move to other city by yourself, how can I live easy, now?」(Kaoru)
The goddess is troubled.
「Therefore I need it. It is an item box!
With unlimited capacity; the items will be stored in a different space; the items won't get damage or old because the time will be stopped inside.
I can put anything in and get out anytime I want and no-one but me can take it out.
If I put money and luggage in this, there would be no need to worry about money and luggage getting stolen.
I also don't need to worry about carrying a lot of heavy luggage and slowing my traveling speed.
And, as I can store as much food and water I like with that, it's absolutely necessary for my life」(Kaoru)
「What is that … It's a useful thing, is that an「item box 」? And are you using it in your other world?」(Celestine)
「Oh, no, on the Earth it's easy to move with luggage and there is not much worry about luggage, since public order is good, so ha ha ha …」(Kaoru)
I somehow managed to distract her.
「You will have a new body with your original genes and your age will be rejuvenated to 15 years old.
The genes is okay because "that person" provided your original body's.
The age is fine in this world, I think that the adult age is 15 years old.
15-18 are the marriage age for aristocrats and 15-22 years old for commoners, so it is appropriate.
That's right, since aristocrats are engaged early, it is quite common for marriages right when you become adult 15 years old. 18 years old are seeing as late marriage, a little unpleasant if it goes past 20.
In the case of commoners, marriage is early in rural areas, such as to reduce eating habits, increase labor and similar reasons, but in the urban areas it is usually around 17 to 22 years old.
23 is considered a late marriage, there's no after 24 and when you are 25-26 nobody considers marry you anymore」 (Celestine)
No, no, no, that's severe … I must do my best.
「The language is, as requested, the ability to speak in any language in this world together with the ability to read and write.
The potion maker ability, that makes any kind of potion with any effect you like. It will enter a container as you desire.
An Item box ability with unlimited capacity that stores item in another dimension's space, you are freely able to put in and take out from anywhere, the passage of time will stop in that space and it can't be used by anyone but you.
Is everything correct? 」(Celestine)
Yes, it's perfect. Then, I should go with the final finish?
「Yeah, there's no mistake, but I want to ask at last a few questions, is that okay?」(Kaoru)
「Yes, please don't hesitate to ask me」(Celestine)
The goddess had a relieved face to finally finish. Alright, please listen.
「The first thing I'd like to ask is about the religion of this world,
because there's nothing as scary as religion, so what are the religions here?」(Kaoru)
「Oh, that's easy, almost every religion is worshipping me, who is believed to be the sole god in this world. Although the notation and pronunciation of my name may differ slightly depending on the region and sect, but that's it.
Doctrine and precepts also have some differences, but originally they are separated from the same things so they don't have any great fundamental changes.
I had warned them about discrimination by race. Well.., it is a relatively moderate religion.
I assume the devil is the only opposing enemy, but since they really don't exist, there should be no problem」(Celestine)
Well, if there is only one religion, there should no problem, or a big problems?
「Well, will new religions be made or the current religion be made obsolete?」(Kaoru)
「No, I don't really care, because there's no other God.
I am the only one of this race who existed since ancient times.
For their convenience, I'm allowing some adjustments and freedom. Even a new religion is made, and to them there seems to be a new god, but it only exist because I'm not denying it yet.
Well, I occasionally issue 「oracles」to help humans avert a catastrophe or something like that.
My existence and role is irrelevant to faith, but if it is a good teaching to support the lives of people, it would be better for me to play a fictional goddess.
However, the current religion doesn't have big power anymore. There's no opposing power like a stagnation spreading, catastrophe or disaster for them to spread their influence.
Even if it is lost, there should be no problem.
In the first place, 50 years have already passed since I last gave an oracle.
But even now, it seems that they sometimes vomit 「a new oracle」or a big lie.
Ah, now I got angry. Just a few hundred years, I will drop god punishment …」(Celestine)
No, no, no, wait a moment! If you do it, please do it later where I do not know!
「Well, the next question.
In some circumstances, if the skills or thoughts from earth spreads and it affects at a large scale or even the movings of this world…」(Kaoru)
「Well, I don't care, I'm working with stability in time and space, I don't plan to do anything with the civilization of this world.
So if a lot of the living beings seem to die meaninglessly, I would like to help or to just kill some time.
Although I do have some influence in the civilization, but I don't care at all about trying to induce the civilization itself in a specific direction.
To that point, anything affecting the lives in the world and makes their lives easier, it would make you a fine pioneer. It will be fine, wouldn't it?」(Celestine)
If you think so, you should do it yourself, too. Well, that would be a common topic with god … Ah, I will tell her so.
「Well, how about goddess frequently appear to handle it?」(Kaoru)
「No, it's a very troublesome thing.
It's a tough task because I don't love nor do I care about living things so much. I don't want to put up with it.」(Celestine)
「Well, but if your Senpai god knows that you are doing your best to do the same thing as him…
I wonder if he would be happy and proud as your Senpai.
He will also want to make a connection with you, and when he faces any trouble, he would come for a consultation …」(Kaoru)
「That's it! Oh, why don't I notice it, I'm such an idiot!
Thank you, I will be ready to help out humans immediately!」(Celestine)
Yeah, please don't fail as much as possible. Even if you only want to have a consultation with Senpai, don't you? But if the administrator of this world is trying her best, then why not? It will be easier for humans.
「Last question … you don't have to answer if you don't want it, because I am just interested.
Well, are the Gods and Goddesses who manage the planets, … are they like human beings?
Well, I think that you are high-ranking creature with a dimension far different from humans …
But the feelings of the Goddess or God, are somewhat close to human beings …
I'm sorry if I make you upset, but I really want to ask you even if you can't answer …」(Kaoru)
I needed the courage to ask and listen to it, but even if I heard it, there's no merit at all, but I couldn't help it.
Otherwise, I am going to be unable to convince God's treatment of me for various reasons. And I can no longer enjoy my new life.
Besides, it also concerns to my last「wish」.
「I see … Well, I don't mind.
Then, let me briefly explain.
If you don't understand us, it can't be helped that you will be curious」(Celestine)
Apparently she agree to tell me. But the Goddess's expression became serious somehow.
「Indeed, we are quite different living beings from you humans.
There are no fixed body form, my personality aside, my figure right now is only a provisional figure worn by human beings.
Also, the thought and the thinking speeds are different from you. And the feeling of time is also different, as we are long-lived ones.
For that reason, even as I'm talking to you right now, parts of my consciousness are thinking in parallel.
One part is devoted to the management of this world.
At the same time, another part is investigating the distortions in the time and space, etc…
One part lowers its thinking speed to the limit, lowers the intelligence level to the limit and matches to you.
But, to be honest, it's pretty fun.
If I must name it as an expression that you understand,
um – yeah, that's right.
In a sense, the me here is somewhat like infant or a passionate idiot, who has a simple mind that finds interest in one thing and blind to other things.
The me here finds talking to you as fun, while other branches of a higher intelligence level are managing the planet.
Ah, the respect for that person is true for my whole existence. The me here, no… I really respected that person.
I think that the me here was supposed to have a strong feeling for that person because of that influence. Well, we are a same individual after all.
The part, who is the administrator of that planet is also a part of that person. The same go for me.
That's why that person was seriously facing you in his present state and promised to give you all those things.
To be honest, I think that it is a little overkill, but that's also what wonderful about that person.
Therefore, I want to respect that intention, and give you what you need as he requested」(Celestine)
After finishing saying all of that, it seemed that the serious expression of the goddess returned to the original warm feeling.
Maybe in order to tell that story 「She slightly raise her intelligence level」?
Otherwise, the difference from the the previous conversation and before that are way too big.
And if she always had a high intelligence level, it would have been impossible for me to get an item box.
Or is it her「Service」while she was fully aware of it?
Well, I will do my best with the girl who is in front of me right now!
「Okay, I did not understand everything, but it seems that I feel that I somewhat like it.
Thank you very much, I heard everything I'd like to hear, then the last request is…」(Kaoru)
I swallowed saliva and said those word.
「Well, please become my friend!」(Kaoru)
The goddess blushed and opened her mouth halfway.
Well, because I have no friends in this world! Even on Earth, I only have two friends!