The market was already full of people.
There were eight slaves to be sold, including me. All of them are young. Two muscular men and a beautiful boy with the good looks of an idol stand out. And there is a cat beastman. He is in pretty good shape, so he must be a fighter, too. I was the only child.
The husband is talking to the city officials. Apparently they are deciding my starting price.
"Start at 1000G. You can lower it if you don't have it. Clothes... stay put. Sell them anyway. If not ... get rid of it."
...completely worthless, me. Well, kids who can't do anything usually don't buy. If I don't sell it, they'll get rid of it... This could be bad.
He took my arm. Ouch! They dragged me away. He's just a kid, be more gentle with him!
The next thing I knew, I was being pulled onto the stage.
"Let's start with number one, male, six years old, starting with 1000G!"
The audience, which had been so noisy, fell silent. No one wants to buy me.
I can see the audience from the stage. No one makes eye contact with me. That's right. They don't see me. Most of them are looking at the entrance from which I came out. They are already interested in the slaves who will come out after me. The rest are either looking at the notes in their hands or talking to the customer next to them. He is not interested in me at all.
"So, how about 900G? ...800G! ...700G!"
The countdown begins. When the price reaches zero, my life will be over. Before I know it, I'm reborn, and suddenly I'm a slave. The last thing I see is a slave market...
I think about that as I stare blankly at the audience. At that moment, my eyes meet an old woman. She is small, but her eyes are strong-willed. But she takes her eyes off me and starts talking with a gray-haired man with a beard next to her.
"Well, 500 G! That's the lowest price I'll give you! ... Anyone here?
I'm completely stuffed.
"Is that all right? Then, end of number one!"
They take my arms and pull me off the stage. He is as violent as ever. I want to shake him off and run away, but he has a tremendous grip on my arm. It seems that I can no longer escape.
He takes me roughly into the room. I'm going to die here...
This is the item you are looking for. Mrs. Bertham."
The old woman in the audience was there.