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(This Where is this? I cant see the dim light of day nor the light from magic power is this the faint white light of the grass) [0]
Guuuu Gyy [TLN: In Raw, with those exact latin characters]
(Its difficult to open my eyelids, and the floor is hard it is painful sleeping here)
I was awakened from unconsciousness quickly. Both hands and feet were tied down to something, and as both eyelids slowly opened, the rock wall of the cave could be seen. Other than that, there was nothing but the voices of more than one sub-race audible in the background.
( Oh yeah, the seniors, some accomplished adventurers from Mairaru village, and I were investigating around the West River area, when something attacked us. I cant remember what happened before and after I blacked out.. As for here, is this a nest of people?)
Becoming aware that I was rising, the sound of the sub-race moving was approaching.
As for the female, it is not in the sub-race, goblin. Goblins, which are the kind to have no other choice but kidnap females, designates the females of other races as that walking wombs in order to increase the population.
It mainly carries off protestant races and beast races, impregnates them, and increase the population. As for the child of goblin, from impregnation to childbirth takes about 1 month, and the newborn baby becomes the adult in 1 month. Their growth rate is quick and terrifying.
With this propagation speed, if a nest hole is made and the female is enclosed inside, they reproduce at amazing speeds, to such extent that it sprinkles harm throughout the surrounding areas, and spreads rapidly. Because of that, when a goblin group that is moving in order to make the new nest hole is discovered, one must remove it rapidly.
Adventurers have been issued numerous such requests from the guild. In order to confirm the presence or absence of what hunting missed and burrows that may form from letting some escape a nest hole, investigators are dispatched from the guild.
This time one was found in a region that had not seen a goblin up until this point, and my investigator apprentice, who was sent to a survey after the stray Goblin was subdued, had been visited by two of the senior investigators.
The riverside forests to the west of Mairaru village were larger than expected, but in a short time, it had been divided to the seniors who formed two groups. While fascinated by the flow of the river, we were struck from behind, and then we fainted.
(I was brought to the Goblins burrow, no doubt. As for the purpose)
Responding to the footsteps coming up from behind, I was lying on the ground and watched slowly while looking back.
I unintentionally screamed. Immediately there was the face of a goblin just in front of mine. The face had thin, red, fish-like eyes. It opens its mouth, as if laughing, to show off its canine-like teeth.
The saliva which drips from its mouth falls onto my body. I was intent on hitting it in the face as it approached, with both hands, but they were involuntarily tied.
The goblin that had approached opened its mouth that was lined with canines, raised a strange voice in order to sound more menacing, and swung the Club it had in its hand.
Kuu !
I instinctively averted my face and closed my eyes. Club it swung lowered towards me. Based on the inclination of the club, I was certain that by lowering my head, I would die from having my head crushed in the first blow. The moment that I thought so, it impacted directly behind my head.
The club bounced on the back of my head and drummed it into the ground with a dull sound. The vibration is transmitted directly into my skull.
(He missed! No He missed on purpose) [1]
The club was swung again, now just in front of my face. The earth was depressed by the strike, as the dust, soil and rubble struck my face. I could not open my eyes.
Three times, the club was swung, I was hit repeatedly in the ground before me. The vibrations of it resound in my head. Goblins had a very cruel personality, and felt pleasure from tormenting the weak, turning them into their toys.
Its presence, as well as its personality, is so evil, it can never coexist with races other than the sub-races, the species that exist only in order to constitute harm to people, it was a sub-race, the Goblin.
(Im In this state, to be killed by being these guys sex slave or toy)
Goblin that swung down the club, again and again, slammed the club into the ground. I was trembling with fear each time the vibrations resonate in the ground to my head. In addition to the Goblin across to me, there were still many, that were letting out increasingly strange voices together. Their laughing was easily audible.
The sounds of eating and repeated loud chewing, the goblins laughing and the club striking the ground in anger It stopped.
I found my voice. When the vibrations stops, the sound where something collapsing echoes. The strange voices of the other goblins had stopped, and simultaneously, the sound of collapsing continued, one, two times.
I again opened my eyes, and slowly gaze toward the back, were three Goblin had dropped to the ground. Yes, it was dead.
(W- What is going on?)
Just past the three dead corpses were 10 animals near goblins that had made a wheel. Individuals in the center had long wooden clubs and canes. One had a belt like strap that one would usually attach to their coat or jacket.
(They had this many of them in here?! And thats a Goblin mage? It is an individual that can use magic, this is not some collection of strays!)
The Goblins who were part of those who had fallens family were taken aback, but it seems that the Goblin Mage was the leader of the crowd. He stuck out his cane to the exit of the nest hole and seemed to have ordered something. The other goblins squealed. They seemed to be in disbelief, but tried to move towards the exits.
From the exit came a red flash, followed by the sound of something exploding, a bursting sound, which continued to happen three more times. With each flash, a goblin simultaneously died, its head dyed in blood similar to the red flashes.
(This, is it magic? But Ive never seen an attribute attack that eliminates goblins to precisely! Seniors magic attack is far less accurate. If on the other hand that person was swinging a two-handed sword Oh!)
Goblin fell one after the other in order to shield the Goblin mage who was concentratedly chanting something, poised before a cane. Then I saw a huge air mass become compressed in front of the Goblin mage, and fly towards goblins that are in front of the Goblin mages upper body.
It collided with them from behind, and headed towards the exit where the red flashes were coming from, covered in the red blood of the goblins.
(Thats the wind magic, airball! How could goblins shoot such large spells! ) [2]
The Goblin mages airball was close to 50 cm in diameter. The goblins were only 120 cm tall, so it was quite strange that it was able to create one so massive.
The section of the wall of the corridor which leads to the exit is shaved and burst with a deafening roar.
The Goblin mage raises a strange laugh. It then commanded the goblins who had survived being penetrated by the large ball of air to go in pursuit of something. In the next moment, the Goblin mages head was blown off instantaneously with a red flash from the section of the cave housing the exit. [3]
(W-Wow it is said that the goblin mages strength is hardly different from normal, its magical barrier is no laughing matter to pierce that in a single stroke)
When the goblins were dead and quiet, the dead Goblin mages dead eyes had ceased to move. While thinking about this, the light flashes had stopped, and it sounded like the explosions had as well. That person appeared slowly from the road of the darkness, walked towards me.
[0] )
After help from Dawg I fixed this. Before it was her wondering where the light was coming from. I had trouble with it.
[1] Fixed after help from Dawg.
[2] Shoot Large Balls seems out of place.
[3] Here I couldnt help myself. It doesnt have as much humour to it, though