That day, Adele admitted that he wasn't even of a little help to Anastasia.
"Go back, and don't come to see me anymore."
Adele said yes to Anastasia's request.
He wasn't that close to Anastasia when they were young.
However, because Duke Magnus and Count Sinclair frequently interacted, the two children naturally became acquainted.
Anastasia Sinclair was a gentle and mature girl for her age. She didn't ask Adele to do anything excessive or trivial or pry into his personal information like everyone else. She was reticent and unobtrusive. Adele was comfortable with her.
Then one day, when she went out to watch a performance, Anastasia vomited blood.
She had a disease so rare that it wasn't even named properly. The doctor called it a 'nightmare'.
The confirmed symptoms includes the body becoming extremely vulnerable, feeling dizzy, and vomiting blood. She even shed literal tears of blood once.
The count is on alert. Everyone went all over the Empire to find a cure, but information about the disease was too little.
Anastasia didn't get out of her bedroom, so Adele regularly visited her to cheer her up, saying she could get better soon.
He wanted to encourage, comfort, and cheer her up.
But he realized it was too late to say such things. He messed up.
However, the Anastasia he met once again after a few days, had changed. Adele tried not to visit her, but his father, the Duke, insisted.
When Anastasia vomited blood again, her family, who had been away to find the cure, entrusted her to the Duke of Magnus.
Adele had no choice.
Adele decided to accept and get hit no matter what Anastasia threw at him. But contrary to his expectation, Anastasia welcomed him with a big smile.
"You're Adele!"
It was Adele's first time seeing her smile. He was surprised internally, finding it unbelievable that Anastasia could smile like that.
When Anastasia saw Adele, she muttered, "You're handsome, too." as well
She outright stared at Adele, but she also frequently covered her red-colored face with her hands.
Adele also didn't understand Anastasia's grumbling, calling him "other's rice cake."
Adele and Anastasia had a friendly time anyway.
Anastasia was lively, she chatted innocently with other maids as well. In only a few days, the mood in the Count's manor had changed to a bright one.
She ate well, talked a lot, and expressed a lot of emotions. The maids were also excited. Anastasia even exchanged light mischief with the maids in front of Adele's eyes.
In addition, Anastasia grabbed Adele, who was about to return that time and asked in a careful voice.
"You'll come to visit me again, right?"
Adele nodded before even thinking.
Since then, Adele had visited Anastasia every other day.
She now enjoyed going out. But Anastasia was still very weak.
He was worried that she may still hate him, so he secretly watched her by her side in case anything went wrong but he got tired of it quickly. He couldn't turn his gaze away from her.
Adele gradually began to intervene in Anastasia's matters and started constantly nagging her.
That alone was not enough. He also committed the discourtesy of intruding into her bedroom.
Adele thought that he had abandoned his morality, but he was relieved that Anastasia just let it pass as if she's not even bothered by it. That's why, little by little, he became even more and more confident.
It was natural for Anastasia to explode.
"I'm fine! Why are you interrupting when I say I'm fine? I'm going to die anyway, and that can't be stopped by any means! If you understand, just let me do what I want until I die."
'If you wanted to go out so much, then why don't I accompany you?' those words came up to the end of his throat but he stopped.
Adele has always been in a position to draw attention, and when he sees someone in need of help, he is the one who leaves first. This made him burdensome to Anastasia.
Anastasia, who has become as cheerful as anyone else, also did not encourage him to accompany her.
"You can protect me even if I go outside."
And when Anastasia finally said that, Adele was delighted.
It was strange. Anastasia's silent personality had changed, but now he was worried about her mischievous and frank personality.
Adele was not dissatisfied with that though. Rather, it was a problem because it was more fun to hang out with her now.
Even now, she didn't put up with him. Anastasia pointed out that what she liked or disliked, and if he did something wrong, she would prick in a sharp tone. She didn't let him repeat his mistakes.
It was all thanks to her. He was deeply grateful for her consideration and heart.
Adele visited the Count's Mansion whenever he had time as Anastasia had asked. At some point, the maids also got accustomed to his visit.
And Anastasia was unhappy with Adele today.
"You're annoying."
"I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"
Adele apologized first because it must have been his mistake. Anastasia didn't even listen.
"Anastasia, please point out if I did something wrong. I'll reflect on myself and fix it."
Then Anastasia's expression became strange for a moment.
"Adele, when I see you, I want to keep bothering you."
"… that so."
Not knowing how to answer, Adele agreed.
Suddenly Anastasia's eyes glistened.
"Let's go eat and run."
"Come again?"
Adele really didn't know what it meant.
And she was shocked by his ignorance.
Anastasia jumped up and pulled Adele.
"Follow me,"
She took Adele to the kitchen. The chef was very busy and didn't notice the two of them coming.
Anastasia pointed to the edible pie on the table.
"It's a special walnut pie made by the chef. It looks really delicious, doesn't it?"
Adele readily nodded.
"It looks like it was made with a lot of effort."
Adele, who doesn't know much about desserts, also saw the decorations as very colorful.
The walnuts, which were piled high, were yellowish, shiny, and evenly sprinkled with gold dust, as if to indicate that only high-quality ingredients had been used.
Chocolate-dipped strawberries were wrapped around the rim of the pie. It smelled very sweet and savory.
Anastasia spoke in a solemn voice.
"From now on we're gonna steal that."
Without stopping, Anastasia snatched the walnut pie.
Adele hid under the table with Anastasia in a daze.
And after a while, the chef shouted.
"Ah! Where did my walnut pie go?"
It was a poor performance, but Adele didn't notice.
"Oh, my Goodness! The dessert that I made with my heart and soul is gone!"
Adele felt that something was wrong.
"Anastasia, shouldn't you give it back? It's a food that was made for you anyway, so if you ask for it, the chef will be happy to give it to you."
"No…? "
Anastasia said so and took a piece of the pie to her mouth. She took a mouthful of it and chewed the pie deliciously.
Adele felt a headache.
"I can't see my walnut pie no matter how hard I look!"
Adele was persuaded by the chef's performance even though it seemed like he was reading the lines out of a book.
"The chef seems very frustrated."
Anastasia, undauntedly, ate up a piece of pie and sucked on the remaining bits on her fingers. Adele suddenly thought Anastasia's lips were very pretty.
Adele turned his eyes in a hurry because he felt that he had seen something he shouldn't but Anastasia didn't care.
"Let's just throw it away and go back up."
Adele panicked.
"Why are you doing this? Anastasia, you're a good person. You've never done anything that would hurt anyone. I don't understand."
"I just don't know why Adele thinks I'm nice. You've seen it. What's wrong? I'm a bad guy who dumped trash on the side of the road and stole the chef's elaborate walnut pie. And you're my accomplice."
The word 'accomplice' stuck in Adele's mind.
Anastasia grinned.
"But thanks to Adele's persuasion, I've changed my mind. I'm going to the chef."
There was something very gullible about it, but Adele was relieved for now.
"That's right,"
Anastasia went out of the table with the pie. Adele followed in her footsteps.
"Hi, Luke. Are you looking for the walnut pie? "
The young chef rejoiced at Anastasia's appearance. Anastasia gave the chef the pie.
"Here you go. A piece has been eaten, but I'll give you back the rest. I was surprised when Adele suddenly went forward and stole the walnut pie. He must've been very hungry."
Anastasia said shamelessly.
"Wait! This is a misunderstanding!"
Adele insisted on his innocence, but the chef looked at him with suspicious eyes.
"It's not me!"
Adele was falsely accused.
Anastasia's POV
Me and the chef, Luke had to pinch our thighs, as we tried to hold back our laughter at the embarrassed Adele.
Adele, you're so adorable. Do you know that?
I was worried because the chef was so bad at acting, but Adele wasn't suspicious about it at all.
The fact that he became a walnut pie thief in an instant seemed shocking to him.
I tried hard to suppress my laughter and called the chef.
"Luke, why don't you bring out food for Adele, who's starving?"
"I'll be right back!"
Luke immediately left to get some food. It was obvious that he was rushing to run away to let out his laughter. I bit my lips hard but a little bit of laughter still came out.
Ah, this is crazy. Adele is extremely pure.
I'm sure he's never been subjected to such a great crisis. He's always been mature after all.
People thought Adele was the ideal and the perfect aristocrat. Well, they aren't wrong either.
Adele had never cried ever since he was a child. He was never stubborn, and he always solved his own problems.
Even his parents find it hard to deal with their child, whom they cannot find fault with.
Who would take revenge on such a protagonist?
But that makes it more fun. Whenever I was bored, I worked hard on a plan to pick on Adele.
Adele squinted his eyes.
"Are you having fun?"
I nodded immediately.
Adele sighed.
"I admit it. You're not a good person."
"Oh my. "
"But you're still a good person for me."
This was rather unexpected.
I looked at him with a puzzled look on my face.